1. 不加盐的食物更健康。
Food without added salt is healthier.
2. 这个饮料不加糖。
This drink is made without added sugar.
3. 请不加任何调料。
Please do not add any seasoning.
4. 这种面包不加防腐剂。
This bread is made without added preservatives.
5. 咖啡不加奶和糖。
Coffee without milk and sugar.
6. 这个菜不加味精。
This dish is made without added MSG.
7. 我们不加工这些食品。
We don't process these foods.
8. 汤里不加面条。
No noodles are added to the soup.
9. 这个果汁不加色素。
This juice is made without added colorings.
10. 这种酸奶不加糖。
This yogurt is made without added sugar.
11. 我们不加工化学添加剂。
We don't add chemical additives.
12. 他不加油地炒菜。
He stir-fries the vegetables without adding oil.
13. 这种饼干不加麸质。
These cookies are made without added gluten.
14. 这种洗发水不加硅油。
This shampoo is made without added silicone oil.
15. 不加酒精的饮品。
Beverages without added alcohol.
16. 这款面膜不加香料。
This facial mask is made without added fragrance.
17. 蛋糕不加防腐剂。
The cake is made without added preservatives.
18. 这种护肤品不加酒精。
This skincare product is made without added alcohol.
19. 这种酱料不加味精。
This sauce is made without added MSG.
20. 他喜欢喝不加糖的咖啡。
He likes to drink coffee without added sugar.
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