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1. bàngwǎntàiyángmànmànxiàtiānkōngbiànjīnhuáng

In the evening, the sun slowly sets and the sky turns golden.

2. huānbàngwǎnsàngǎnshòutiāndeníngjìngměihǎo

I enjoy taking a walk in the evening, feeling the tranquility and beauty of the day.

3. bàngwǎndefēngjǐngzǒngshìmerénràngrénxīnqíngyuè

The evening scenery is always so charming, putting people in a good mood.

4. bàngwǎndetiānkōngbèifěnhóngdeyúncǎirǎnchénglepiànměidehuà

The evening sky is dyed with pink clouds, creating a beautiful canvas.

5. bàngwǎnshífēnjiāmànzheměiwèidewǎncānxiāng

In the evening, the house is filled with the delicious aroma of dinner.

6. menchángchángzàibàngwǎnkànluòxiǎngshòuníngjìngdeshí

We often watch the sunset together in the evening, enjoying the peaceful moment.

7. bàngwǎndeyángguāngzàimiànshàngyìngchūpiànjīndeguāngmáng

The evening sunlight shines on the lake, casting a golden glow.

8. bàngwǎndeshíhòuhuānzuòzàiyángtáishàngxīnshǎngyuǎnchùdefēngjǐng

In the evening, I like to sit on the balcony and admire the distant scenery.

9. bàngwǎndewēifēngchuīguògěirénzhǒngqīngxīndegǎnjué

The evening breeze blows by, giving a refreshing feeling.

10. bàngwǎnshífēnchéngshìdehóngdēngkāishǐliàngzhàoliànglezhěngjiēdào

In the evening, the city's neon lights start to shine, illuminating the entire street.

11. menyuēdìngzàibàngwǎnshífēnjiànmiànkàndiànyǐng

We agreed to meet in the evening and go see a movie together.

12. bàngwǎndetiānkōngbèicǎixiárǎnchénglepiànxuàndeyán

The evening sky is dyed with colorful clouds, creating a beautiful sight.

13. zàibàngwǎnhuāntīngzheyīnyuèfàngsōngxià

In the evening, I like to listen to music and relax.

14. bàngwǎnshífēngōngyuándexiǎoniǎomenkāishǐguīcháoānjìnglexiàlái

In the evening, the birds in the park start to return to their nests, becoming quiet.

15. huānzàibàngwǎndeshíhòuzuòjiāfàngsōngshēnxīn

I like to do yoga in the evening to relax my body and mind.

16. bàngwǎndeyángguāngtòuguòshùzàimiànshàngxíngchéngleměideguāngyǐng

The evening sunlight shines through the leaves onto the ground, creating beautiful shadows.

17. bàngwǎnshífēnhǎibiāndefēngjǐngwàirényǐnzheduōyóuqiánláiguānshǎng

In the evening, the seaside scenery is particularly charming, attracting many tourists to come and admire.

18. huānzàibàngwǎndeshíhòugěijiādehuācǎojiāoshuǐxiǎngshòuníngjìngdeshí

I like to water the flowers and plants in the evening, enjoying the peaceful moment.

19. bàngwǎnshífēntiānkōngzhōngxīngxīngjiànjiànchūxiàndiǎnzhuìzhekōng

In the evening, the stars gradually appear in the sky, adorning the night sky.

20. bàngwǎnshífēnjiēshàngdefánhuázhújiànjiǎn退tuìchéngshìxiànleníngjìng

In the evening, the bustle on the street gradually subsides, and the city falls into tranquility.


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