1. 这个问题已经到顶了,我们需要寻找其他解决方案。
This issue has reached a dead end, we need to find another solution.
2. 我的忍耐已经到顶了,我不能再忍受这样的待遇。
My patience has reached its limit, I can't tolerate this treatment anymore.
3. 这个问题已经到了不得不解决的地步。
This issue has reached a point where we have to deal with it.
4. 我的杯子已经到顶了,你能帮我倒一些水吗?
My cup is full, could you help me pour some water?
5. 我的信用卡已经到顶了,我需要控制一下我的花费。
My credit card is maxed out, I need to rein in my spending.
6. 这个项目已经到了需要更多资源的地步。
This project has reached a point where it needs more resources.
7. 我的耐心已经到了极限,我需要一些时间冷静一下。
My patience has reached its breaking point, I need some time to cool off.
8. 我的烦恼已经到了极点,我需要一些帮助。
My frustration has reached a peak, I need some help.
9. 这个问题已经到了无法回避的地步。
This issue has reached a point where it can't be avoided.
10. 我的头发已经到顶了,我需要去理发店剪一下。
My hair has grown too long, I need to go to the hairdresser for a trim.
11. 这个话题已经到了必须讨论的地步。
This topic has reached a point where it must be discussed.
12. 我的感觉已经到了极限,我需要一些时间独处。
My emotions have reached their limit, I need some time alone.
13. 我的容忍已经到了极限,我不能再容忍这种行为。
My tolerance has reached its limit, I can't tolerate this behavior anymore.
14. 这个问题已经到了需要采取行动的地步。
This issue has reached a point where action needs to be taken.
15. 我的忧虑已经到了崩溃的边缘,我需要一些安慰。
My anxiety has reached the point of breaking down, I need some comfort.
16. 这个计划已经到了需要重新评估的地步。
This plan has reached a point where it needs to be re-evaluated.
17. 我的疲劳已经到了极点,我需要一些休息。
My fatigue has reached a peak, I need some rest.
18. 这个问题已经到了需要更多讨论的地步。
This issue has reached a point where it needs more discussion.
19. 我的饥饿已经到了不得不吃东西的地步。
My hunger has reached a point where I have to eat something.
20. 这个挑战已经到了需要更多努力的地步。
This challenge has reached a point where it needs more effort.
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