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1. menzàijiēshàngchǎorǎnghěnhàixiàdàolerén

They were making a lot of noise on the street, scaring passersby.

2. háizimenzàijiàoshìchǎorǎnglǎoshīfēichángshēng

The children were making a lot of noise in the classroom, and the teacher was very angry.

3. menchǎorǎnglezhěngràngshuì

They were making noise all night, and I couldn't fall asleep.

4. qǐngyàozàishūguǎnchǎorǎngyǐngxiǎngrénxué

Please don't make noise in the library, it's disturbing others' study.

5. menzàicāntīngchǎorǎngzhěngfēndōuhuàile

They were making a lot of noise in the restaurant, ruining the whole atmosphere.

6. menyīnggāimiǎnzàigōnggòngchǎngchǎorǎngzūnzhòngréndeānjìng

We should avoid making noise in public places and respect others' peace.

7. menzhījiāndechǎorǎngshēngyǐnlezhōuwéiréndezhù

The noise between them attracted the attention of people around.

8. menchǎorǎnglehěnjiǔzuìhòuzhōnglěngjìngxiàláitánlelái

They argued for a long time, but finally calmed down and started to talk.

9. jiādōuhěnshēngchǎorǎngshēngyuèláiyuè

Everyone was angry, and the noise got louder and louder.

10. menzhījiāndechǎorǎngyǐnlelíndetóu

The noise between them led to complaints from the neighbors.

11. menzàichēzhànchǎorǎngyǐnlejǐngchádezhù

They were making noise at the station, attracting the attention of the police.

12. menzàigōngyuánchǎorǎngleyóu

They were making noise in the park, angering other visitors.

13. menchǎorǎngtàihàizhěngxiǎodōuchǎoxǐngle

They made so much noise that they woke up the whole neighborhood.

14. menchǎorǎngràngrénzhōngjīnggōngzuò

They made so much noise that it was hard to concentrate on work.

15. mendechǎorǎngshēngchuánbiànlezhěngjiàoshì

Their noise filled the whole classroom.

16. menzhījiāndechǎorǎngshēngràngjiādōugǎndàogān

The noise between them made everyone feel embarrassed.

17. menchǎorǎngtàiguòfènledǎozhìlechǎnglièdezhēngchǎo

They made too much noise, leading to a heated argument.

18. menchǎorǎngshēngzhèněrlóngràngrénānjìngxiàlái

Their noise was deafening, making it impossible for anyone to calm down.

19. menchǎorǎngshēngledehuǒ

Their noise ignited my anger.

20. menzhījiāndechǎorǎngshēngràngzhěngfángjiāndōuchōngmǎnlejǐnzhāngfēn

The noise between them filled the whole room with tension.


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