1. 他们听到了哗啦声,原来是一辆卡车撞倒了路边的树。
They heard a loud noise and realized that a truck had knocked down a tree by the road.
2. 暴雨过后,哗啦哗啦的水声从屋顶传来。
After the heavy rain, the sound of water dripping came from the roof.
3. 她一把抓住了杯子,结果杯子掉在地上,发出了哗啦声。
She grabbed the cup and accidentally dropped it on the ground, making a loud noise.
4. 风大的时候,窗户会哗啦哗啦地响。
During strong winds, the windows make a rattling noise.
5. 他们听到了哗啦声,原来是一个人从楼梯上摔下来了。
They heard a loud noise and found out that someone had fallen down the stairs.
6. 瀑布发出哗啦哗啦的声音,非常壮观。
The waterfall makes a loud and spectacular noise.
7. 垃圾车经过时,会发出哗啦哗啦的声音。
The garbage truck makes a loud noise when it passes by.
8. 雨水从屋顶流下来,发出哗啦声。
The rainwater flows down from the roof, making a loud noise.
9. 在海边,浪花会发出哗啦哗啦的声音。
At the seaside, the waves make a loud and continuous noise.
10. 他们听到了哗啦声,原来是一扇门被猛力推开了。
They heard a loud noise and realized that a door had been forcefully pushed open.
11. 汽车经过坑洼路面时,会发出哗啦哗啦的声音。
When cars drive on bumpy roads, they make a rattling noise.
12. 风铃发出哗啦哗啦的声音,给人一种宁静的感觉。
The wind chimes make a gentle and peaceful rattling noise.
13. 她在洗碗的时候,不小心把碗摔碎了,发出了哗啦声。
She accidentally dropped the dish and it broke, making a loud noise.
14. 雨林中的瀑布发出哗啦哗啦的声音,非常美丽。
The waterfall in the rainforest makes a loud and beautiful noise.
15. 风吹动树枝时,会发出哗啦哗啦的声音。
When the wind blows the branches, they make a rattling noise.
16. 他们听到了哗啦声,原来是一只猫把东西推倒了。
They heard a loud noise and found out that a cat had knocked something over.
17. 雪花落在屋顶上,发出哗啦哗啦的声音。
As snow falls on the roof, it makes a gentle and continuous noise.
18. 雨后,水坑里会发出哗啦哗啦的声音。
After the rain, the puddles make a continuous and gentle noise.
19. 他们听到了哗啦声,原来是一辆车撞上了路边的护栏。
They heard a loud noise and realized that a car had hit the roadside barrier.
20. 铁轨上的火车发出哗啦哗啦的声音,很快就消失在远方。
The train on the railway track makes a loud and continuous noise, quickly disappearing into the distance.
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