1. 周末的时候,我喜欢去地摊上淘宝。
During the weekends, I like to go to the street stalls to hunt for treasures.
2. 地摊上卖的水果比超市便宜。
The fruits sold at the street stalls are cheaper than those in the supermarket.
3. 他们家生意不错,经营了一家地摊小吃店。
Their business is doing well, running a street stall snack shop.
4. 地摊上的小商品很多,价格也很实惠。
There are many small commodities on the street stalls, and the prices are also very affordable.
5. 她在地摊上买了一条漂亮的围巾。
She bought a beautiful scarf at the street stall.
6. 地摊上的小吃特别好吃,我经常去买。
The snacks at the street stalls are particularly delicious, and I often go to buy them.
7. 地摊上的衣服款式多,价格便宜。
There are many styles of clothes at the street stalls, and the prices are cheap.
8. 我们在地摊上买了一些纪念品。
We bought some souvenirs at the street stalls.
9. 地摊上的手工艺品很有特色。
The handicrafts at the street stalls are very unique.
10. 地摊上的小吃非常地道。
The snacks at the street stalls are very authentic.
11. 他在地摊上卖了一整天的水果。
He sold fruits at the street stall all day.
12. 她在地摊上买了一双漂亮的鞋子。
She bought a beautiful pair of shoes at the street stall.
13. 地摊上的商品种类繁多。
There is a wide variety of goods at the street stalls.
14. 在地摊上买到了一本我一直想要的书。
I found a book that I've been wanting at the street stall.
15. 他们家一直靠地摊维持生计。
Their family has been making a living by running a street stall.
16. 地摊上的小吃总是吸引很多人。
The snacks at the street stalls always attract a lot of people.
17. 她在地摊上卖了一些自己做的手工艺品。
She sold some handmade crafts at the street stall.
18. 我们在地摊上买了一些新鲜的蔬菜。
We bought some fresh vegetables at the street stalls.
19. 地摊上的商品质量参差不齐。
The quality of goods at the street stalls varies.
20. 我们在地摊上买了一些当地特色的纪念品。
We bought some local souvenirs at the street stalls.
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