1. 这座建筑物经过多年的风吹雨打,最终坍塌了。
The building collapsed after years of exposure to the elements.
2. 由于地震的影响,许多房屋在城市中心坍塌了。
Many buildings collapsed in the city center due to the earthquake.
3. 这座桥梁由于设计不合理而发生了坍塌。
The bridge collapsed due to poor design.
4. 矿井坍塌导致了数十名矿工的遇难。
The mine collapse resulted in the deaths of dozens of miners.
5. 坍塌的建筑物造成了交通拥堵。
The collapsed building caused traffic congestion.
6. 这座古老的城墙在一场飓风中坍塌了。
The ancient city wall collapsed in a hurricane.
7. 坍塌的屋顶导致了严重的人员伤亡。
The collapsed roof resulted in serious injuries and fatalities.
8. 建筑工地上的一堵墙突然坍塌了。
A wall on the construction site collapsed suddenly.
9. 这座桥梁在一场洪水中坍塌了。
The bridge collapsed in a flood.
10. 坍塌的建筑物给周围的居民造成了恐慌。
The collapsed building caused panic among the nearby residents.
11. 这座山体的坍塌导致了道路的封闭。
The collapse of the mountain caused the closure of the road.
12. 坍塌的矿井导致了大量的土壤沉降。
The collapsed mine resulted in significant soil subsidence.
13. 在地震中,许多建筑物都纷纷坍塌了。
Many buildings collapsed in the earthquake.
14. 坍塌的建筑物给救援人员带来了巨大的困难。
The collapsed building presented a huge challenge for the rescue workers.
15. 这座古老的钟楼在一场风暴中坍塌了。
The ancient bell tower collapsed in a storm.
16. 火灾导致了大楼的坍塌。
The fire caused the collapse of the building.
17. 坍塌的隧道导致了交通中断。
The collapsed tunnel resulted in a traffic disruption.
18. 地面的坍塌使得房屋无法居住。
The ground collapse made the houses uninhabitable.
19. 坍塌的建筑物给城市的复兴带来了巨大的挑战。
The collapsed building presented a huge challenge for the city's revitalization.
20. 这座桥梁在一场暴风雨中坍塌了。
The bridge collapsed in a storm.
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