1. 他一个人在这个陌生的城市显得孤零零的。
He looks so lonely in this unfamiliar city.
2. 她孤零零地坐在那里,眼神空洞。
She sat there all alone, with a vacant look in her eyes.
3. 在这个偏远的村庄里,他们孤零零地生活着。
They live all alone in this remote village.
4. 孩子们把他一个人丢在了公园里,他孤零零的。
The kids left him alone in the park, and he felt so isolated.
5. 她孤零零地站在街角,看着人群匆匆而过。
She stood alone on the street corner, watching the hurried crowd.
6. 他孤零零地在海边漫步,心情有些落寞。
He walked alone by the sea, feeling a bit lonely.
7. 那只小猫孤零零地躺在街边,看起来很可怜。
The little cat lay alone at the side of the street, looking very pitiful.
8. 他一个人孤零零地坐在角落里,不知道在想些什么。
He sat alone in the corner, lost in his thoughts.
9. 孩子们都走了,他孤零零地留在家里。
The children all left, leaving him alone at home.
10. 那个孩子在操场上孤零零地站着,没有人和他玩。
The child stood alone on the playground, with no one to play with him.
11. 独自一人孤零零地坐在公园长椅上,看着夕阳西下。
Sitting alone on a park bench, watching the sunset.
12. 她孤零零地在房间里徘徊,心情很低落。
She wandered alone in the room, feeling very down.
13. 在这座陌生的城市里,我感到孤零零的。
I feel so lonely in this strange city.
14. 他孤零零地走在街上,没有目的地。
He walked alone on the street, with no destination in mind.
15. 她孤零零地坐在沙发上,心情很沮丧。
She sat alone on the sofa, feeling very dejected.
16. 这只野猫孤零零地徘徊在街头,好像迷失了方向。
The stray cat wandered alone on the street, as if lost.
17. 他一个人孤零零地坐在角落里,不愿意和别人交流。
He sat alone in the corner, unwilling to interact with others.
18. 在这个偏远的山村里,他们孤零零地生活着。
They live all alone in this remote mountain village.
19. 孤零零的一只小狗蜷缩在街边,看起来很无助。
A lone little dog crouched at the side of the street, looking very helpless.
20. 她孤零零地站在海滩上,凝视着远方。
She stood alone on the beach, gazing into the distance.
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