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1. qǐnggěiyóuxiàdìng

Can you give a definition of "freedom"?

2. zhèdedìngshìshénme

What is the definition of this word?

3. zhègàiniànyǒuduōzhǒngtóngdedìng

This concept has several different definitions.

4. gēndedìngzhèshìfēixíngwéi

According to the legal definition, this is an illegal act.

5. suǒzhīzhèshùdedìngshì

As far as I know, the definition of this term is...

6. zhèběndiǎndedìnghěnqīngchǔ

The definition in this dictionary is very clear.

7. zhèpiānwénzhāngduìzhègàiniàndedìngjìnxínglexiángdetàntǎo

This article provides a detailed exploration of the definition of this concept.

8. zhèdedìngnéngyīnwénhuàchāéryǒusuǒtóng

The definition of this word may vary due to cultural differences.

9. qǐngyòngdehuàláigěichénggōngxiàdìng

Can you give your own definition of "success" in your own words?

10. menyàogèngzhǔnquèdedìngláichéngqīngzhègàiniàn

We need a more precise definition to clarify this concept.

11. zhèdedìngzàitóngdexuélǐngzhōngyǒutóngdejiěshì

The definition of this word has different interpretations in various academic fields.

12. zhègàiniàndedìngzàizhéxuéshàngyǐnle广guǎngfàndetǎolùn

The definition of this concept has sparked widespread debate in philosophy.

13. zhèdedìngzàitóngdejìngzhōngnénghuìyǒubiànhuà

The definition of this word may vary in different contexts.

14. chūlexīndedìngjiěshìzhèdegàiniàn

He proposed a new definition to explain this complex concept.

15. zhèdìngméiyǒuchōngfènhángàizhègàiniàndequánhán

This definition does not fully encompass all the meanings of this concept.

16. zhègàiniàndedìngzàishǐshàngshēnglebiànhuà

The definition of this concept has changed throughout history.

17. menyàogèngdedìngláichéngqīngzhèshù

We need a more specific definition to clarify this term.

18. zhèdìngzàixuéshùjièzhōng广guǎngfànbèijiēshòu

This definition is widely accepted in the academic community.

19. zhèdedìngzàitóngdewénhuàzhōngnéngyǒusuǒtóng

The definition of this word may vary in different cultures.

20. menyàobiànshìyòngdedìngláijiěshìzhèxiànxiàng

We need a universally applicable definition to explain this phenomenon.


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