1. 山峦起伏,宛如巨龙盘踞在大地之上。
The mountains rise and fall, like a dragon crouching on the earth.
2. 远处的山峦在夕阳的映衬下显得格外壮丽。
The distant mountains looked particularly magnificent in the glow of the setting sun.
3. 她喜欢在山峦间徜徉,享受大自然的宁静和美丽。
She enjoys wandering among the mountains, enjoying the peace and beauty of nature.
4. 那片山峦被誉为“世界屋脊”,因为它们是世界上最高的山脉之一
The range of mountains is known as the "Roof of the World" because it is one of the highest mountain ranges in the world.
5. 这座城市被群山环绕,景色壮丽。
The city is surrounded by mountains, creating a magnificent landscape.
6. 山峦之间的小径蜿蜒曲折,让人感觉仿佛置身仙境。
The winding paths between the mountains make it feel like a fairyland.
7. 他们在山峦之间搭起了帐篷,准备度过一个难忘的露营之旅。
They set up their tents between the mountains, ready for a memorable camping trip.
8. 山峦之间的瀑布轰鸣而下,壮观异常。
The waterfalls between the mountains thundered down, creating a spectacular sight.
9. 那些山峦是登山者们的天堂,吸引着无数人前来挑战。
Those mountains are a paradise for climbers, attracting countless people to come and challenge themselves.
10. 山峦之上的松柏苍翠欲滴,给人一种清新的感觉。
The pines and cypresses on the mountains are lush and green, giving a refreshing feeling.
11. 她站在山峦之巅,俯瞰着下面的美丽风景。
She stood at the top of the mountains, looking down at the beautiful scenery below.
12. 这片山峦被誉为“神秘之山”,因为传说中有许多神话故事与之相关
The range of mountains is known as the "Mystic Mountains" because there are many legendary stories associated with it.
13. 山峦之间的小溪清澈见底,生机盎然。
The streams between the mountains are clear and teeming with life.
14. 在那片山峦之中,隐藏着许多珍贵的动植物资源。
Within those mountains, there are many precious flora and fauna resources.
15. 山峦之间的山路崎岖不平,需要小心谨慎地前行。
The mountain roads between the ranges are rugged and require careful navigation.
16. 这座城市的灵感来源于周围宏伟的山峦。
The inspiration for this city comes from the grand mountains surrounding it.
17. 山峦之中的奇峰怪石吸引着摄影师们前来捕捉这些美丽的景象。
The strange peaks and rocks in the mountains attract photographers to come and capture these beautiful scenes.
18. 那片山峦被一层薄雾笼罩着,宛如仙境一般。
The mountains were shrouded in a thin mist, like a fairyland.
19. 山峦之间的风景如诗如画,让人心旷神怡。
The scenery between the mountains is picturesque, and it is refreshing to the soul.
20. 在山峦之间徜徉,感受大自然的鬼斧神工。
Wander between the mountains and feel the magical work of nature.
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