1. 他是一位技艺精湛的木工匠。
He is a skilled carpenter.
2. 这座古老的建筑是由一群工匠们手工打造而成的。
This ancient building was handcrafted by a group of craftsmen.
3. 他是一位拥有多年经验的铁匠。
He is a blacksmith with many years of experience.
4. 工匠们在修复古老的家具时展现出了他们的技艺。
The craftsmen demonstrated their skills in restoring the antique furniture.
5. 这家公司雇佣了一批有着丰富经验的工匠。
The company hired a group of experienced craftsmen.
6. 他们是一群精通陶艺的工匠。
They are a group of craftsmen skilled in pottery.
7. 工匠们在修建这座桥梁时展现了他们的精湛技艺。
The craftsmen demonstrated their exceptional skills in building this bridge.
8. 这位工匠精心雕刻了这个木制品。
The craftsman carefully carved this wooden piece.
9. 这座古老的钟楼是由一位杰出的工匠建造的。
This ancient bell tower was constructed by an outstanding craftsman.
10. 工匠们在制作这些精美的珠宝时展现了他们的艺术才华。
The craftsmen demonstrated their artistic talent in making these exquisite jewelry.
11. 他们是一群擅长玻璃制作的工匠。
They are a group of craftsmen skilled in glassmaking.
12. 这位工匠擅长制作精美的家具。
This craftsman specializes in making exquisite furniture.
13. 这家公司致力于培养年轻一代的工匠。
The company is committed to nurturing a new generation of craftsmen.
14. 这位工匠用精湛的技艺修复了这幅古老的油画。
The craftsman restored this ancient painting with exceptional skill.
15. 他们是一群擅长建造传统船只的工匠。
They are a group of craftsmen skilled in building traditional boats.
16. 这位工匠精心绘制了这幅精美的壁画。
The craftsman carefully painted this exquisite mural.
17. 这个家具店以雇佣一流的工匠而闻名。
This furniture store is renowned for hiring top-notch craftsmen.
18. 工匠们在雕刻这些石雕时展现了他们的艺术天赋。
The craftsmen demonstrated their artistic talent in carving these stone sculptures.
19. 这位工匠是一位热爱传统木工艺的大师。
This craftsman is a master of traditional woodworking.
20. 他们是一群擅长建造古老建筑的工匠。
They are a group of craftsmen skilled in constructing ancient buildings.
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