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1. zuòwéimíngdǎngyuánmenyàoshǒudǎngdeguīdìng

As a party member, we must abide by the party's discipline and regulations.

2. zhíshǒuchéngnuòcóngwèiràngrénshīwàng

He has always kept his promises and never let anyone down.

3. zuòwéimíngzhírénshìshǒugōngzuòyuáncóngtōulǎn

As a professional, she adheres to work principles and never slacks off.

4. menyīnggāishǒuxìnyòngyàoqīngwéiyuē

We should keep our credit and not easily break our promises.

5. zhíshǒuzhedexìnniàncóngshòuwàijièyǐngxiǎng

He has always adhered to his beliefs and never been influenced by external factors.

6. zuòwéimíngyùndòngyuánshǒuxùnliànhuàcóngtōulǎn

As an athlete, she sticks to the training schedule and never slacks off.

7. menyīnggāishǒugōngpínggōngzhèngdeyuánpiāntǎnrènfāng

We should adhere to the principles of fairness and justice, and not favor any party.

8. duìdàigōngzuòfēichángrènzhēnzǒngshìshǒugāobiāozhǔn

He takes his work very seriously and always adheres to high standards.

9. zuòwéimíngjiàoshīshǒujiàoguīfàncóngyuèléichí

As a teacher, she adheres to educational norms and never steps out of line.

10. zàizhèchǎngsàizhōngmenshǒufángshǒulüèzuìzhōnghuòleshèng

In this game, they stuck to their defensive strategy and ultimately won.

11. duìdàixuéfēichángrènzhēncóngqīngfàng

He takes his studies very seriously and never gives up easily.

12. zuòwéimíngjūnrénshǒushǒuguójiāde使shǐmìngfèngxiàn

As a soldier, he adheres to the mission of guarding the country and selflessly dedicates himself.

13. zàigōngshǒuzhícāoshǒucóngzuòchūwéiguīxíngwéi

In the company, she adheres to professional ethics and never engages in misconduct.

14. shǒujiāguīcóngzuòchūwéibèijiātíngjiàzhíguāndexíngwéi

He adheres to family rules and never acts against family values.

15. zuòwéimíngzōngjiàoxìnshǒuxìnyǎngměitiāndōuhuìdǎo

As a religious believer, she adheres to her faith and prays every day.

16. zàixīnzhōngshǒuchéngxìnqièdōuzhòngyào

In his heart, adhering to integrity is more important than anything else.

17. zuòwéimínglǐngdǎoshǒuliánjiécóngjiēshòu贿huì

As a leader, he adheres to integrity and self-discipline, and never accepts bribes.

18. zàizhètuánduìzhōngměiréndōushǒutuánduìjīngshéngòngtóng

In this team, everyone adheres to the team spirit and works together.

19. shǒudeyuáncóngtuǒxié

She adheres to her principles and never compromises.

20. zuòwéimíngshēngshǒuduìhuànzhě

As a doctor, he adheres to medical ethics and is responsible for his patients.


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