1. 这个悖论让人感到困惑,因为它似乎是自相矛盾的。
This paradox is confusing because it seems to be self-contradictory.
2. 他提出了一个有趣的悖论,引起了大家的讨论。
He presented an interesting paradox that sparked a discussion.
3. 这个悖论挑战了我们对于世界的理解。
This paradox challenges our understanding of the world.
4. 他的言论中存在着一个明显的悖论。
There is an obvious paradox in his statement.
5. 这个悖论似乎无法解释。
This paradox seems inexplicable.
6. 这个悖论一直困扰着科学家们。
This paradox has long puzzled scientists.
7. 他的观点包含了一个悖论,需要进一步探讨。
His argument contains a paradox that needs further exploration.
8. 这个悖论在哲学上引起了广泛的讨论。
This paradox has sparked widespread philosophical debate.
9. 这个悖论展示了逻辑上的矛盾。
This paradox demonstrates a logical contradiction.
10. 这个悖论揭示了人类认知的局限性。
This paradox reveals the limitations of human cognition.
11. 这个悖论在数学领域引起了极大的兴趣。
This paradox has generated great interest in the field of mathematics.
12. 他的观点存在一个悖论,需要进一步解释。
There is a paradox in his argument that needs further explanation.
13. 这个悖论挑战了我们的常识。
This paradox challenges our common sense.
14. 这个悖论揭示了人类思维的复杂性。
This paradox reveals the complexity of human thought.
15. 这个悖论看似荒谬,却引起了许多人的兴趣。
This paradox seems absurd, yet it has captured the interest of many.
16. 他的理论中存在一个明显的悖论。
There is a clear paradox in his theory.
17. 这个悖论暴露了我们对于真相的无知。
This paradox exposes our ignorance of the truth.
18. 这个悖论让人不知所措。
This paradox leaves people at a loss.
19. 这个悖论在科学界引起了巨大的争议。
This paradox has sparked great controversy in the scientific community.
20. 这个悖论需要深入思考和研究。
This paradox requires deep reflection and research.
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