1. 我梦寐以求的目标就是成为一名成功的作家。
My dream is to become a successful writer.
2. 她梦寐以求的是能够环游世界。
Her dream is to travel around the world.
3. 他对成功梦寐以求,每天都在努力奋斗。
He dreams of success and works hard every day.
4. 她梦寐以求的是一个幸福的家庭。
She dreams of a happy family.
5. 我们的梦寐以求就是实现世界和平。
Our dream is to achieve world peace.
6. 他梦寐以求的是能够成为一名著名的音乐家。
He dreams of becoming a famous musician.
7. 她梦寐以求的是能够拥有自己的企业。
She dreams of having her own business.
8. 我们梦寐以求的是一个美好的未来。
Our dream is a bright future.
9. 她梦寐以求的是能够成为一名职业运动员。
She dreams of becoming a professional athlete.
10. 他的梦寐以求是拥有一辆豪华跑车。
His dream is to own a luxury sports car.
11. 我们梦寐以求的是一个和平安乐的社会。
Our dream is a peaceful and harmonious society.
12. 她梦寐以求的是能够在大学学习并取得学位。
Her dream is to study at university and obtain a degree.
13. 他梦寐以求的是能够在艺术领域取得成功。
His dream is to succeed in the field of arts.
14. 我们梦寐以求的是一个没有战争的世界。
Our dream is a world without war.
15. 她梦寐以求的是能够拥有一个幸福的婚姻。
She dreams of having a happy marriage.
16. 他梦寐以求的是能够成为一名著名科学家。
He dreams of becoming a famous scientist.
17. 她梦寐以求的是能够拥有一座美丽的花园。
She dreams of having a beautiful garden.
18. 我们梦寐以求的是一个清洁的环境和健康的生活。
Our dream is a clean environment and a healthy life.
19. 她梦寐以求的是能够在国外工作和生活。
She dreams of working and living abroad.
20. 他梦寐以求的是能够实现自己的人生理想。
His dream is to achieve his life's ideals.
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