1. 河滩上铺满了沙砾,非常粗糙。
The riverbank is covered with coarse gravel.
2. 我们在沙砾上行走时要小心,以免滑倒。
We need to be careful when walking on the gravel to avoid slipping.
3. 这些沙砾被海浪冲刷得非常光滑。
The gravel has been smoothed by the waves.
4. 他们用沙砾修筑了一条小径。
They used gravel to build a pathway.
5. 沙砾在我的鞋子里面刺得我很不舒服。
The gravel is poking into my shoes and it's very uncomfortable.
6. 这些沙砾非常锋利,要小心不要割伤手。
The gravel is very sharp, be careful not to cut your hands.
7. 沙砾在车轮下发出了嘎嘎的声音。
The gravel made a crunching sound under the wheels.
8. 沙砾被风吹得四处飞扬。
The gravel was blown around by the wind.
9. 我们用沙砾铺满了院子,变得更整洁了。
We covered the yard with gravel and it looks neater.
10. 这些沙砾是用来铺路的。
The gravel is used for road construction.
11. 沙砾在我手中溜走了。
The gravel slipped through my fingers.
12. 这些沙砾是从山上冲下来的。
The gravel came down from the mountain.
13. 这些沙砾在阳光下闪闪发光。
The gravel sparkled in the sunlight.
14. 我们用沙砾来填充土地,以便更好地排水。
We used gravel to fill the land for better drainage.
15. 这些沙砾是用来加固道路的。
The gravel is used to reinforce the road.
16. 沙砾在水里发出了咯咯的声音。
The gravel made a clinking sound in the water.
17. 我们在沙砾上搭起了帐篷。
We set up the tent on the gravel.
18. 沙砾被雨水冲刷得光滑如玉。
The gravel was polished smooth by the rain.
19. 这些沙砾是用来铺设停车场的。
The gravel is used for paving the parking lot.
20. 我们在花园里撒了一层沙砾,以便更容易行走。
We spread a layer of gravel in the garden for easier walking.
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