1. 太阳的炽热光芒让人无法直视。
The scorching heat of the sun makes it impossible to look directly at.
2. 在炽热的夏天,人们都喜欢去海边避暑。
In the scorching heat of summer, people love to go to the beach to escape the heat.
3. 火焰的炽热使得整个房间都变得闷热。
The intense heat of the flames made the entire room feel stuffy.
4. 他的眼睛中透露出一种炽热的渴望。
There was a burning desire in his eyes.
5. 炽热的烈日让人感到非常疲惫。
The scorching sun made people feel extremely exhausted.
6. 炽热的火焰将整个树林吞噬了。
The intense flames engulfed the entire forest.
7. 他们的激情像炽热的火焰一样燃烧着。
Their passion burned like a scorching flame.
8. 这个地区的气候非常炽热,夏天几乎没有一丝凉爽的风。
The climate in this area is extremely hot, with hardly any cool breeze in the summer.
9. 炽热的烈日让人感到晕眩。
The scorching sun made people feel dizzy.
10. 火山爆发时,熔岩流出,释放出炽热的能量。
During a volcanic eruption, lava flows out, releasing intense heat energy.
11. 在炎炎夏日,房间里的空调成了最受欢迎的东西。
In the sweltering summer, the air conditioning in the room became the most popular thing.
12. 他的炽热的怒火让周围的人都感到害怕。
His intense anger made everyone around him feel scared.
13. 这片土地上的炽热阳光让植物茁壮生长。
The scorching sunlight on this land makes the plants grow strong.
14. 炽热的熔岩流淌在火山的山腰上。
The scorching lava flows down the slopes of the volcano.
15. 这个地区的气候非常炽热,人们都喜欢在树荫下避暑。
The climate in this area is extremely hot, and people love to take shelter under the shade of trees.
16. 炽热的火焰吞噬了整个建筑物。
The intense flames engulfed the entire building.
17. 他的炽热的爱让她感到幸福无比。
His intense love made her feel incredibly happy.
18. 在炽热的夏天,人们都喜欢到河边游泳。
In the scorching heat of summer, people love to swim in the river.
19. 骄阳炽热的天气让人感到非常不舒服。
The scorching heat of the sun makes people feel very uncomfortable.
20. 炽热的阳光让人感到无法忍受。
The scorching sunlight is unbearable.
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