首页 汉字



1. zǒngshìkuángwàngwéisuǒnéng

He is always arrogant and thinks he can do anything.

2. dekuángwàngtàiràngrénhěnnánxiāngchǔ

Her arrogant attitude makes it difficult to get along with her.

3. dekuángwàngyánxíngyǐnleréndefǎngǎn

His arrogant words and actions have caused resentment among others.

4. dekuángwàngzhǐràngrénjuédehěnshū

Her arrogant behavior makes people feel very uncomfortable.

5. dekuángwàngtàiràngshīlehěnduōpéngyǒu

His arrogant attitude has cost him many friends.

6. dekuángwàngràngchūledàijià

His arrogance has cost him dearly.

7. dekuángwàngzhǐràngzàigōngméiyǒupéngyǒu

Her arrogance has left her friendless in the company.

8. dekuángwàngtàiràngzàituánduìzhōngbèishòuyàn

His arrogance has made him widely disliked in the team.

9. dekuángwàngràngshīlehěnduōhuì

Her arrogance has cost her many opportunities.

10. dekuángwàngtàiràngzàizhíchǎngshàngbèishòupáichì

His arrogance has made him widely shunned in the workplace.

11. dekuángwàngràngzàituánduìzhōngyuán

His arrogance has left him isolated in the team.

12. dekuángwàngtàiràngzàishèjiāoquānzhōngbèishòulěngluò

Her arrogance has made her widely ostracized in social circles.

13. dekuángwàngzhǐràngzàixuéxiàobèishòucháofěng

His arrogant behavior has made him widely ridiculed in school.

14. dekuángwàngràngzàigōngzuòzhōngbèishòucuòzhé

Her arrogance has caused her much frustration in her job.

15. dekuángwàngtàiràngshīlehěnduōhuì

His arrogant attitude has cost him many opportunities.

16. dekuángwàngzhǐràngzàipéngyǒuquānzhōngshīlehěnduōxìnrèn

Her arrogant behavior has caused her to lose a lot of trust in her circle of friends.

17. dekuángwàngràngzàituánduìzhōngchǔjìnggān

His arrogance has put him in an embarrassing position in the team.

18. dekuángwàngtàiràngzàijiātíngzhōngbèishòulěng

Her arrogance has made her widely ignored in the family.

19. dekuángwàngzhǐràngzàishèjiāochǎngzhōngbèishòushì

His arrogant behavior has made him widely despised in social settings.

20. dekuángwàngràngshīlehěnduōréndezūnzhòng

Her arrogance has cost her the respect of many people.


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