1. 甘蔗是一种常见的甜味食材。
Sugarcane is a common sweet ingredient.
2. 农民们在田地里种植着高高的甘蔗。
Farmers are growing tall sugarcane in the fields.
3. 我喜欢喝新鲜的甘蔗汁。
I enjoy drinking fresh sugarcane juice.
4. 甘蔗是一种重要的农作物,用于生产糖和其他产品。
Sugarcane is an important crop used for producing sugar and other products.
5. 这片土地适合种植甘蔗。
This land is suitable for growing sugarcane.
6. 他们用机器收割甘蔗。
They use machines to harvest sugarcane.
7. 甘蔗田在夏天长得非常茂盛。
Sugarcane fields grow very lush in the summer.
8. 我们在家里种植了一些甘蔗。
We have planted some sugarcane at home.
9. 甘蔗是巴西的主要农产品之一。
Sugarcane is one of the main agricultural products in Brazil.
10. 甘蔗是一种多年生草本植物。
Sugarcane is a perennial herbaceous plant.
11. 他们在榨取甘蔗汁制作糖浆。
They are extracting sugarcane juice to make syrup.
12. 甘蔗可以用来酿造朗姆酒。
Sugarcane can be used to produce rum.
13. 这块土地的土壤非常适合种植甘蔗。
The soil of this land is very suitable for growing sugarcane.
14. 甘蔗种植需要充足的阳光和水分。
Sugarcane cultivation requires plenty of sunlight and water.
15. 他们用甘蔗制作了一些美味的甜点。
They made some delicious desserts using sugarcane.
16. 在热带地区,甘蔗是一种主要的农作物。
In tropical regions, sugarcane is a major crop.
17. 甘蔗汁富含维生素和矿物质。
Sugarcane juice is rich in vitamins and minerals.
18. 他们在甘蔗田里忙碌了一整天。
They were busy all day in the sugarcane fields.
19. 甘蔗是一种高产的作物。
Sugarcane is a high-yielding crop.
20. 他们种植了不同品种的甘蔗。
They have planted different varieties of sugarcane.
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