首页 汉字



1. dexíngwéigāozhānyuǎnzhǔzǒngshìxiàngwǎngérshàng

His actions are far-sighted and always strive for the better.

2. duànxuéxiànggènggāodebiāoérshàng

She continues to study hard, reaching for higher goals.

3. zàizhíchǎngshàngzhǐyǒuduànxiàngshàngcáinéngdechénggōng

In the workplace, only by constantly striving upwards can one achieve success.

4. zhízàixiànggènggāodezhíwèiérshàng

He has been working hard to move up to a higher position.

5. menduànxiàngshàngpāndēngzuìzhōngdēngshàngleshāndǐng

They kept climbing upwards and finally reached the mountaintop.

6. zhǐyǒuxiàngshàngzhǎncáinéngduàngāodejìngzhēng

Only by developing upwards can one continuously improve their competitiveness.

7. mendegōngzhízàixiàngshàngzhǎndeledechénggōng

Their company has been developing upwards and has achieved great success.

8. deràngduànxiàngshàngpāndēng

Her efforts have allowed her to continuously climb upwards.

9. menzhízàixiàngshàngzhuīqiúgènggāodebiāo

They have been pursuing higher goals upwards.

10. zhǐyǒuduànzhuīqiújìncáinéngduànxiàngshàngzhǎn

Only by constantly pursuing progress can one continuously develop upwards.

11. mendejīngqiújīngdetàiràngmenduànxiàngshàng

Their pursuit of excellence has allowed them to continuously break through upwards.

12. zàishēnghuózhōngzhǐyǒuduànxuécáinéngduànxiàngshàngjìn

In life, only by constantly learning can one continuously progress upwards.

13. mendetuánduìzhízàixiàngshàngzhǎndelelìngrénzhǔdechéngjiù

Their team has been developing upwards and has achieved remarkable accomplishments.

14. zhǐyǒuxiàngshàngzhǎncáinéngshíxiànréndejiàzhí

Only by developing upwards can one achieve their personal value.

15. mendetuánduìzhízàixiàngshàngpāndēngdelezhòng

Their team has been climbing upwards and has made significant breakthroughs.

16. zàizhíchǎngshàngzhǐyǒuduànjìncáinéngduànxiàngshàngjìnshēng

In the workplace, only by constantly advancing can one continuously be promoted upwards.

17. mendegōngzhízàixiàngshàngzhǎnchéngwéilehángdelǐngjūnzhě

Their company has been developing upwards and has become a leader in the industry.

18. zhǐyǒuduànzhuīqiúzhuóyuècáinéngduànxiàngshàngshēng

Only by constantly pursuing excellence can one continuously elevate upwards.

19. mendetuánduìzhízàixiàngshàngzhuīqiúgènggāodebiāo

Their team has been pursuing higher goals upwards.

20. zàirénshēngdàoshàngzhǐyǒuduànchāoyuècáinéngduànxiàngshàngfēixiáng

On the path of life, only by constantly surpassing oneself can one continuously soar upwards.


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