1. 他在嘴里嚼着雪茄。
He was chewing on a cigar.
2. 他点燃了雪茄,然后慢慢地吸了一口。
He lit the cigar and took a slow puff.
3. 他喜欢在晚饭后抽一根雪茄。
He likes to smoke a cigar after dinner.
4. 这是一支古巴雪茄,非常珍贵。
This is a Cuban cigar, very precious.
5. 他从酒吧的吧台上拿起一支雪茄。
He picked up a cigar from the bar counter.
6. 雪茄的味道很浓烈,但是很香。
The cigar has a strong flavor, but it's very fragrant.
7. 他的雪茄盒里装满了各种各样的雪茄。
His cigar box is filled with all kinds of cigars.
8. 雪茄烟灰缸里堆满了灰烬。
The cigar ashtray is filled with ashes.
9. 他把雪茄放在了嘴里,开始慢慢地吸。
He put the cigar in his mouth and started to puff slowly.
10. 这支雪茄的香气让人陶醉。
The aroma of this cigar is intoxicating.
11. 他在雪茄上剪了一小口。
He cut a small piece off the cigar.
12. 这个雪茄的烟雾缭绕。
The smoke from this cigar is swirling.
13. 他抽着雪茄,一边思考着问题。
He smoked his cigar while contemplating the problem.
14. 这支雪茄的质量非常好。
The quality of this cigar is very good.
15. 他喜欢在户外抽雪茄。
He likes to smoke cigars outdoors.
16. 那个人手里拿着一根雪茄。
The man was holding a cigar.
17. 雪茄烟雾缭绕,弥漫着一种怡人的香气。
The cigar smoke wafted, permeating a pleasant aroma.
18. 他在嘴里嚼着雪茄,一副得意洋洋的样子。
He was chewing on a cigar, looking smug.
19. 这是一支古巴特产的雪茄。
This is a special Cuban cigar.
20. 雪茄烟雾在室内弥漫开来。
The cigar smoke filled the room.
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