1. 他是一位顶尖的科学家。
He is a top-notch scientist.
2. 这所学校有一支顶尖的篮球队。
This school has a top-notch basketball team.
3. 这家公司拥有一支顶尖的研发团队。
This company has a top-notch research and development team.
4. 这部电影获得了顶尖的奖项。
This movie won top-notch awards.
5. 她是一位顶尖的音乐家。
She is a top-notch musician.
6. 这家餐厅的厨师是顶尖水平的。
The chef at this restaurant is top-notch.
7. 这个城市有一所顶尖的大学。
This city has a top-notch university.
8. 这辆车的性能是顶尖的。
The performance of this car is top-notch.
9. 他的演讲技巧是顶尖的。
His public speaking skills are top-notch.
10. 这个国家的医疗系统是世界上的顶尖水平。
The healthcare system in this country is top-notch in the world.
11. 这家酒店提供顶尖的服务。
This hotel provides top-notch service.
12. 这位设计师的作品是顶尖的。
The works of this designer are top-notch.
13. 这个项目需要顶尖的专业知识。
This project requires top-notch expertise.
14. 这件艺术品是一件顶尖的作品。
This artwork is a top-notch piece.
15. 这家公司有一支顶尖的销售团队。
This company has a top-notch sales team.
16. 这个研究机构在该领域处于顶尖地位。
This research institution is at the top of the field.
17. 这所学校的图书馆是顶尖的。
The library at this school is top-notch.
18. 这个城市有一支顶尖的交响乐团。
This city has a top-notch symphony orchestra.
19. 这位厨师的厨艺是顶尖的。
The chef's culinary skills are top-notch.
20. 这个医院的医疗设备是顶尖的。
The medical equipment at this hospital is top-notch.
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