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1. zhèzuògāojùndeshānfēngzàiluòshíxiǎndewàizhuàngguān

The towering mountain peak looked especially spectacular at sunset.

2. menzhànzàigāojùndexuánbiānyuánkànzhezhuàngdefēngjǐng

They stood at the edge of the towering cliff, overlooking the magnificent scenery.

3. zhèchuánggāojùndejiànzhùzàichéngshìzhōng

The tall and towering building is unique in the city.

4. gāojùndeshùzàifēngzhōngyáobǎizhe仿fǎngzàixiàngtiānkōngzhì

The towering trees swayed in the wind as if paying homage to the sky.

5. zhèzuòchéngbǎogāojùnérhóngwěilìngréntànwéiguānzhǐ

The castle is tall and magnificent, truly awe-inspiring.

6. zàigāojùndeshānzhōngchuánláileniǎoérdeshēng

The song of birds echoed in the towering valley.

7. gāojùndelóuqúnzàiwǎnshǎnshuòzháoréndedēngguāng

The towering buildings shimmered with charming lights at night.

8. zuògāojùndelóushìzhèzuòchéngshìdebiāozhìxìngjiànzhù

The towering tower is the iconic building of the city.

9. gāojùndecóngshānfēngshàngbēnliúérxiàzhuàngguānfēicháng

The towering waterfall cascaded down from the mountain peak, truly spectacular.

10. zhèpiàngāojùndeshānshìpānyányùndòng

The towering mountainous terrain is perfect for rock climbing.

11. gāojùndejiànzhù使shǐdezhèzuòchéngshìdetiān线xiàngèngjiāzhuàngguān

The towering buildings make the city skyline even more spectacular.

12. gāojùndeshùzàiyángguāngxiàxiǎndewàiměi

The towering trees looked especially beautiful in the sunlight.

13. zhèzuògāojùndeqiáoliánghéngkuàzàiliúzhīshànglìngrényìnxiàngshēn

The towering bridge spans over the river, leaving a lasting impression.

14. gāojùndexuánshàngshēngzhǎngzhezhǒngyàngdezhí

Various plants grow on the towering cliffs.

15. zhèzuògāojùndeshānfēngshìdēngshānzhěmendetiǎozhàn

The towering mountain peak is a challenge for climbers.

16. gāojùndejiànzhùqúnzàizhōngxiǎndegèngjiāxióngwěizhuàngguān

The towering buildings look even more magnificent in the darkness.

17. gāojùnde仿fǎngshìrándejiézuò

The towering waterfall seems like a masterpiece of nature.

18. gāojùndeshàngmǎnlehuāměidòngrén

The towering slope is covered with wildflowers, beautiful and charming.

19. zhèpiàngāojùndeshānshìshēngdòngdetiāntáng

The towering mountainous terrain is a paradise for wildlife.

20. gāojùndezhíbèigàizheshānxíngchénglezhuàngdehuàjuàn

The towering vegetation covers the slopes, creating a magnificent picture.


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