1. 该成绩不错,你应该为自己感到骄傲。
The result is good, you should be proud of yourself.
2. 他们经过努力终于达到了该成的目标。
They finally achieved the goal through hard work.
3. 他们团队合作,成功地完成了该成任务。
They worked together and successfully completed the task.
4. 他们已经取得了该成的认可。
They have gained recognition for their achievements.
5. 我们需要集中精力努力实现该成。
We need to focus our efforts on achieving this goal.
6. 他付出了很多努力才取得了该成。
He put in a lot of effort to achieve this.
7. 这是我们团队的共同努力取得的该成。
This is the result of the collective efforts of our team.
8. 他们的创新精神使他们取得了该成。
Their innovative spirit has led them to achieve this.
9. 他们的努力终于得到了该成。
Their hard work has finally paid off.
10. 他们在短时间内取得了该成。
They achieved this in a short period of time.
11. 他们用智慧和勤奋取得了该成。
They achieved this with wisdom and diligence.
12. 他们的成就是该成的典范。
Their achievement is a model of this.
13. 他们为了该成不懈努力。
They worked tirelessly for this achievement.
14. 他们的坚持不懈终于带来了该成。
Their perseverance finally brought about this achievement.
15. 他们的团队合作是取得该成的关键。
Their teamwork is the key to achieving this.
16. 他们的创新精神助他们取得了该成。
Their innovative spirit has helped them to achieve this.
17. 他们的努力终于换来了该成。
Their efforts have finally paid off.
18. 他们的成绩是该成的象征。
Their achievements are a symbol of this.
19. 他们为了该成不遗余力。
They spared no effort for this achievement.
20. 他们的成功是该成的最好证明。
Their success is the best proof of this.
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