1. 他身体虚弱,经常生病。
He is weak and often falls ill.
2. 这个国家太弱小,无法抵抗外敌。
This country is too weak to resist external aggression.
3. 她的声音微弱,听起来很无力。
Her voice is weak and sounds feeble.
4. 这只小猫太弱小了,需要我们照顾。
This little cat is too weak and needs our care.
5. 在对手强大的面前,我们显得太弱小了。
We appear too weak in the face of a strong opponent.
6. 她是一个弱小的女孩,需要我们的帮助。
She is a weak girl who needs our help.
7. 这个小孩太弱小,无法独自完成这项任务。
This child is too weak to complete this task alone.
8. 他太弱小,无法胜任这个工作。
He is too weak to handle this job.
9. 这个小团体太弱小,无法在市场上立足。
This small group is too weak to survive in the market.
10. 这个村庄太弱小,无法抵御自然灾害。
This village is too weak to resist natural disasters.
11. 虽然她个子弱小,但她的意志坚定。
Although she is small in stature, her will is strong.
12. 在这个世界上,弱小者往往会被忽视。
In this world, the weak are often overlooked.
13. 那个弱小的国家需要国际社会的支持。
That weak country needs support from the international community.
14. 小鸟在风中飞行显得非常弱小。
The small bird looks very weak flying in the wind.
15. 在野外,弱小的动物往往成为猎物。
In the wild, weak animals often become prey.
16. 他年纪虽然小,但是心志并不弱小。
Although he is young, his spirit is not weak.
17. 老人年纪虽大,但是并不感到弱小。
The old man, although old, does not feel weak.
18. 弱小的植物在风暴中倒下了。
The weak plants fell in the storm.
19. 这只小狗太弱小了,需要更多的关爱。
This little dog is too weak and needs more love.
20. 小村庄在地震中显得非常弱小。
The small village appeared very weak in the earthquake.
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