首页 汉字



1. mengōngdeniànshìwèigōngzuìyōuzhì

The concept of our company is to provide the best service for customers.

2. mendejiàoniànshìzūnzhòngměixuéshēngdexìng

Their educational philosophy is to respect the individuality of each student.

3. zàizhètuánduìzhōngmenyǒuzhegòngtóngdeniànjiàzhíguān

In this team, we share common beliefs and values.

4. zhèdiànyǐngchuánlepíngxiédeniàn

The movie conveys the idea of peace and harmony.

5. menyàochóngxīnshěnshìmendeniànbiāo

We need to reexamine our concepts and goals.

6. deniànshìtōngguòzuòshíxiàngòngtóngbiāo

His philosophy is to achieve common goals through cooperation.

7. zhèxiàngniànshìwèishèchuàngzàogènghǎodeshēnghuóhuánjìng

The concept of this project is to create a better living environment for the community.

8. deniànshìtōngguòjiàoláigǎibiànshèhuì

Her belief is to change society through education.

9. zhèjiāgōngdeniànshìtōngguòchuàngxīnláituīdònghángzhǎn

The company's philosophy is to drive industry development through innovation.

10. duìchénggōngyǒuzhedeniàn

He has a unique concept of success.

11. zhèzhīdeniànshìzūnzhòngbāoróngduōyàngxìng

The organization's philosophy is to respect and embrace diversity.

12. deshèniànshìjiǎnyuēérshíyòng

Her design concept is simple and practical.

13. mendetuánduìyǒuzhegòngtóngdeniànbiāo

Our team shares common beliefs and goals.

14. deniànshìtōngguòchuàngxīnláigǎishànshēnghuózhìliàng

His philosophy is to improve the quality of life through innovation.

15. zhèshèhuìyùndòngdeniànshìpíngděnggōngzhèng

The concept of this social movement is equality and justice.

16. zhèjiācāntīngdeniànshìgōngjiànkāngměiwèideshí

The restaurant's philosophy is to provide healthy and delicious food.

17. zhèxiàngniànshìchízhǎn

The concept of this project is sustainable development.

18. deniànshìtōngguòshùbiǎoqínggǎn

His belief is to express emotions through art.

19. zhèguójiādeniànshìpínggòngchǔ

The country's philosophy is peaceful coexistence.

20. zhèsuǒxuéxiàodeniànshìpéiyǎngquánmiànzhǎndexuéshēng

The school's philosophy is to cultivate well-rounded students.


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