1. 她的拿手菜是红烧肉。
Her specialty dish is braised pork.
2. 他的拿手技巧使他在比赛中脱颖而出。
His expertise set him apart in the competition.
3. 这家餐厅的拿手菜是烤鸭。
The restaurant's specialty dish is roast duck.
4. 她的拿手绘画让她成为了一名知名艺术家。
Her expertise in painting has made her a renowned artist.
5. 他的拿手表演是魔术表演。
His specialty performance is magic tricks.
6. 这家咖啡店的拿手咖啡是拿铁。
The coffee shop's specialty coffee is a latte.
7. 她的拿手功夫让人叹为观止。
Her expertise in martial arts is truly impressive.
8. 这位厨师的拿手料理是烤鱼。
The chef's specialty dish is grilled fish.
9. 她的拿手曲目是肖邦的钢琴曲。
Her specialty repertoire is Chopin's piano pieces.
10. 这家甜品店的拿手甜点是提拉米苏。
The dessert shop's specialty dessert is tiramisu.
11. 他的拿手项目是户外摄影。
His expertise lies in outdoor photography.
12. 这个设计师的拿手设计是现代风格。
The designer's specialty design is modern style.
13. 这位建筑师的拿手作品是这座大型体育馆。
The architect's specialty work is this large sports arena.
14. 这位作家的拿手题材是历史小说。
The writer's specialty genre is historical fiction.
15. 这家酒店的拿手服务是私人管家。
The hotel's specialty service is a personal butler.
16. 她的拿手技巧使她成为了一名顶尖的花艺设计师。
Her expertise has made her a top floral designer.
17. 这位音乐家的拿手乐器是小提琴。
The musician's specialty instrument is the violin.
18. 这家面包店的拿手面包是法式长棍面包。
The bakery's specialty bread is French baguette.
19. 他的拿手项目是研究古代文明。
His expertise lies in studying ancient civilizations.
20. 这位时装设计师的拿手设计是婚纱。
The fashion designer's specialty design is wedding dresses.
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