1. 骤雨突然袭来,把我们淋得湿透了。
The sudden downpour drenched us completely.
2. 她正要出门,却被骤雨给拦住了。
She was about to leave when a sudden downpour stopped her.
3. 骤雨过后,空气清新了许多。
After the sudden downpour, the air became much fresher.
4. 骤雨来临之前,天空一片晴朗。
The sky was clear before the sudden downpour arrived.
5. 走在骤雨中,我感到一阵清凉。
Walking in the sudden downpour, I felt a wave of coolness.
6. 骤雨来得快,去得也快。
The sudden downpour came and went quickly.
7. 骤雨将持续一整天。
The sudden downpour is expected to last all day.
8. 骤雨使得驾驶条件变得更加危险。
The sudden downpour made driving conditions even more dangerous.
9. 我们被一场骤雨给困在了山洞里。
We were trapped in a cave by a sudden downpour.
10. 骤雨使得我们的野餐计划泡汤了。
The sudden downpour ruined our picnic plans.
11. 他们在骤雨中奔跑着回家。
They ran home in the sudden downpour.
12. 骤雨带来了清凉的气息。
The sudden downpour brought a refreshing breeze.
13. 我们的篝火被骤雨给浇灭了。
Our campfire was extinguished by the sudden downpour.
14. 骤雨使得街道变得泥泞不堪。
The sudden downpour made the streets muddy and messy.
15. 骤雨过后,天空出现了一道美丽的彩虹。
After the sudden downpour, a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky.
16. 骤雨带来了一阵清新的气息。
The sudden downpour brought a breath of fresh air.
17. 我们只能躲在树下避免骤雨。
We had to take shelter under a tree to avoid the sudden downpour.
18. 骤雨使得河水迅速涨起来。
The sudden downpour caused the river to rise rapidly.
19. 骤雨使得我们的露营计划泡汤了。
The sudden downpour ruined our camping plans.
20. 骤雨让我们不得不提前结束了郊游。
The sudden downpour forced us to end our outing early.
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