1. 她对古典音乐痴迷已经很多年了。
She has been obsessed with classical music for many years.
2. 他对收集邮票痴迷已经有很长时间了。
He has been obsessed with collecting stamps for a long time.
3. 她对电影明星痴迷到了无法自拔的地步。
She is so obsessed with movie stars that she can't help herself.
4. 他对摄影痴迷,每天都要拍摄一些照片。
He is obsessed with photography and takes photos every day.
5. 她对时尚痴迷,总是追求最新的潮流。
She is obsessed with fashion and always follows the latest trends.
6. 他对科幻小说痴迷,几乎每本都读过。
He is obsessed with science fiction novels and has read almost every one.
7. 她对历史痴迷,经常去博物馆参观。
She is obsessed with history and often visits museums.
8. 他对游戏痴迷,经常通宵玩游戏。
He is obsessed with games and often stays up all night playing.
9. 她对瑜伽痴迷,每天都要练习。
She is obsessed with yoga and practices every day.
10. 他对登山痴迷,已经攀登过很多座高山。
He is obsessed with mountain climbing and has climbed many high mountains.
11. 她对烹饪痴迷,经常尝试新菜谱。
She is obsessed with cooking and often tries new recipes.
12. 他对科技产品痴迷,总是追求最新的电子设备。
He is obsessed with tech products and always seeks the latest electronic devices.
13. 她对动物保护痴迷,经常参与义工活动。
She is obsessed with animal protection and often participates in volunteer activities.
14. 他对汽车痴迷,收藏了很多古董车。
He is obsessed with cars and has collected many antique cars.
15. 她对健身痴迷,每天都要进行剧烈的锻炼。
She is obsessed with fitness and exercises vigorously every day.
16. 他对摇滚乐痴迷,收藏了大量的唱片。
He is obsessed with rock music and has a large collection of records.
17. 她对绘画痴迷,经常花很多时间在画室里。
She is obsessed with painting and often spends a lot of time in the studio.
18. 他对美食痴迷,喜欢尝试各种不同的菜肴。
He is obsessed with food and enjoys trying different dishes.
19. 她对旅行痴迷,已经去过很多国家。
She is obsessed with traveling and has been to many countries.
20. 他对收藏古董痴迷,拥有许多珍贵的收藏品。
He is obsessed with collecting antiques and has many valuable collections.
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