1. 这起案件引起了社会的广泛关注。
This case has attracted widespread attention from society.
2. 警方正在调查这起案件。
The police are investigating this case.
3. 他们终于破获了这起谋杀案件。
They finally solved the murder case.
4. 这是一起非常复杂的经济案件。
This is a very complex financial case.
5. 我们需要更多的证据来支持我们的案件。
We need more evidence to support our case.
6. 这个案件已经拖延了太久。
This case has been dragged on for too long.
7. 法庭将于下周开始审理这起案件。
The court will begin hearing this case next week.
8. 这起案件的审判持续了数周。
The trial for this case lasted for weeks.
9. 这起案件的审判将于本周结束。
The trial for this case will conclude this week.
10. 这起案件的背后隐藏着许多不为人知的细节。
There are many hidden details behind this case.
11. 这起案件的嫌疑人已经被逮捕。
The suspect in this case has been arrested.
12. 这起案件引发了公众对司法系统的质疑。
This case has raised public doubts about the justice system.
13. 这是一起非常令人震惊的案件。
This is a very shocking case.
14. 这个案件可能会引发国际关注。
This case may attract international attention.
15. 这起案件的调查还在进行中。
The investigation into this case is still ongoing.
16. 这起案件涉及了多个国家的合作。
This case involves cooperation from multiple countries.
17. 这起案件的证据非常充分。
The evidence for this case is very strong.
18. 这起案件的审理将会持续数月。
The trial for this case will last for several months.
19. 这起案件的结果对受害者家属来说是个解脱。
The outcome of this case is a relief for the victims' families.
20. 这起案件将成为法律史上的一件重要案例。
This case will be a landmark in legal history.
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