1. 我会尽快把文件邮寄给你。
I will mail the documents to you as soon as possible.
2. 请确保正确填写邮寄地址。
Please make sure to fill in the mailing address correctly.
3. 我们可以选择快递或者普通邮寄。
We can choose express delivery or regular mail.
4. 你需要支付额外费用来加急邮寄吗?
Do you need to pay extra for expedited mailing?
5. 我们会为您提供免费的邮寄服务。
We will provide free mailing service for you.
6. 他们已经邮寄了我的包裹,应该很快就会收到了。
They have already mailed my package, so I should receive it soon.
7. 我们公司提供全球范围的邮寄服务。
Our company offers worldwide mailing services.
8. 你可以选择邮寄方式,或者亲自来取。
You can choose mailing or pick it up in person.
9. 我们需要知道您的邮寄地址才能寄送货物。
We need to know your mailing address in order to send the goods.
10. 请将申请表邮寄至以下地址。
Please mail the application form to the following address.
11. 我们会尽快为您处理并邮寄回复。
We will process and mail the response to you as soon as possible.
12. 他们会通过特快专递邮寄文件。
They will mail the documents via express delivery.
13. 我们需要您提供邮寄费用的收据。
We need you to provide the receipt for the mailing fee.
14. 我们公司与各大快递公司有合作,可以提供多种邮寄选择。
Our company has cooperation with major courier companies and can provide various mailing options.
15. 请在信封上注明邮寄地址。
Please indicate the mailing address on the envelope.
16. 我们可以通过电子邮件或者传真邮寄文件。
We can mail documents via email or fax.
17. 他们已经邮寄了我定购的商品。
They have already mailed the items I ordered.
18. 请仔细检查邮寄地址是否准确无误。
Please double check that the mailing address is correct.
19. 他们已经邮寄了我们需要的文件。
They have already mailed the documents we need.
20. 请将货物邮寄至以下地址。
Please mail the goods to the following address.
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