1. 他任凭自己的感情决定了一切。
He let his feelings decide everything.
2. 请任凭我来处理这个问题。
Please let me handle this issue.
3. 他任凭风吹雨打,一直站在那里。
He stood there, letting the wind and rain beat against him.
4. 任凭你怎么说,我都不会改变主意。
No matter what you say, I won't change my mind.
5. 他任凭着自己的直觉做出了决定。
He made the decision based on his intuition.
6. 你可以任凭自己选择要做什么。
You can choose to do whatever you want.
7. 她任凭着眼泪流个不停。
She let her tears flow freely.
8. 请任凭我来处理这件事情。
Please let me handle this matter.
9. 他任凭着自己的意愿去做事。
He does things according to his own will.
10. 任凭他如何努力,也无法改变现实。
No matter how hard he tries, he can't change the reality.
11. 他任凭着时间的流逝,思考着自己的选择。
He let time pass as he contemplated his choices.
12. 请任凭我来解决这个问题。
Please let me solve this problem.
13. 他任凭着自己的内心去选择了一条路。
He let his heart choose a path.
14. 任凭天气如何,我们都要继续前行。
No matter the weather, we must keep moving forward.
15. 请任凭我来决定这个事情的处理方式。
Please let me decide how to handle this matter.
16. 他任凭着自己的意愿做出了决定。
He made the decision according to his own will.
17. 任凭你怎么想,我都不会改变主意。
No matter what you think, I won't change my mind.
18. 他任凭着自己的感觉去做了选择。
He made the choice based on his feelings.
19. 请任凭我来处理这个困难的局面。
Please let me handle this difficult situation.
20. 他任凭着自己的直觉去做出了决定。
He made the decision based on his intuition.
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