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1. zhèxiǎotōuzàiduótáopǎo

The thief fled the scene in the dead of night.

2. jǐngchámenduózhuīzuìfàn

The police chased the criminal down the road.

3. menduótáolezhànchǎng

They made a dash from the battlefield.

4. zhèduìduótáolehuǒzāixiànchǎng

The couple fled the scene of the fire.

5. bèidàodechēliàngduóchí

The stolen vehicle raced down the road.

6. zhèwèiyùndòngyuánduóchōngguòzhōngdiǎn线xiàn

The athlete sprinted across the finish line.

7. míngtáofànduótáolejiān

The fugitive made a break for it from the prison.

8. menduóbēnxiàngyuàn

They rushed to the hospital.

9. shòuhàizhěduótáolexiōngshǒu

The victim fled from the attacker.

10. chēduìduóchōngxiàngzhōngdiǎn

The team raced toward the finish line.

11. menduótáolezhèngzàidǎodejiànzhù

They fled from the collapsing building.

12. zhèmíngxiánrénduótáolejǐngchádezhuī

The suspect made a break for it from the police.

13. menduógǎnwǎngyuàn

They rushed to the hospital.

14. duóchōngxiànghuǒzāixiànchǎng

She dashed toward the scene of the fire.

15. táofànduótáolejǐngfāngdezhuī

The fugitive fled from the police.

16. duóchōngguò

She dashed across the street.

17. jǐngcháduógǎndàolexiànchǎng

The police rushed to the scene.

18. menduótáoleshíliúde

They fled from the onslaught of the landslide.

19. menduóchōngxiàngānquándefāng

They dashed to a safe place.

20. lǎorénduótáoledǎodejiànzhù

The elderly man fled from the collapsing building.


上一个 zuò,luò(坐落) 句子列表 下一个 qí,bīng(骑兵)



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