1. 我们去超市买菜,顺带把信寄出去。
We went to the supermarket to buy groceries and sent the letters on the way.
2. 我们去看电影,顺带吃了顿大餐。
We went to see a movie and had a big meal on the way.
3. 我去银行取钱,顺带给你交了水电费。
I went to the bank to withdraw money and paid the utility bills for you on the way.
4. 我们去旅行,顺带带了一些零食。
We went on a trip and brought some snacks along the way.
5. 我去机场接人,顺带买了一本杂志。
I went to the airport to pick someone up and bought a magazine on the way.
6. 我去商店买东西,顺带看了一下衣服。
I went to the store to buy things and took a look at the clothes on the way.
7. 我去上班,顺带带了一些文件回家。
I went to work and brought some documents home on the way.
8. 我去超市买菜,顺带给你带了一些水果。
I went to the supermarket to buy groceries and brought you some fruits on the way.
9. 我去图书馆还书,顺带借了几本小说。
I went to the library to return books and borrowed a few novels on the way.
10. 我去打篮球,顺带买了一瓶水。
I went to play basketball and bought a bottle of water on the way.
11. 我去学校上课,顺带去了一趟图书馆。
I went to school for class and went to the library on the way.
12. 我去医院看病,顺带买了一些药。
I went to the hospital for a check-up and bought some medicine on the way.
13. 我去取快递,顺带买了一些日用品。
I went to pick up the delivery and bought some daily necessities on the way.
14. 我去理发店剪头发,顺带买了一瓶洗发水。
I went to the hair salon to get a haircut and bought a bottle of shampoo on the way.
15. 我去健身房锻炼,顺带买了一些蔬菜。
I went to the gym to work out and bought some vegetables on the way.
16. 我去办公室开会,顺带接了一位客户。
I went to the office for a meeting and picked up a client on the way.
17. 我去邮局寄包裹,顺带买了一些信封。
I went to the post office to mail a package and bought some envelopes on the way.
18. 我去学校接孩子,顺带参加了一次家长会。
I went to school to pick up my child and attended a parent-teacher meeting on the way.
19. 我去游泳,顺带买了一条泳裤。
I went swimming and bought a pair of swimming trunks on the way.
20. 我去做美甲,顺带买了一瓶指甲油。
I went to get a manicure and bought a bottle of nail polish on the way.
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