首页 汉字



1. shìzhèjiāgōngdeyuánwàicáirényuánguǎn

He is the manager of this company, responsible for finance and human resource management.

2. zhèwèiyuánwàiyǒuzhefēngdeshāngjīngyànduìgōngdezhǎnyǒuhěndebāngzhù

The manager has rich business experience, which is very helpful for the development of the company.

3. zuòwéiyuánwàiduìgōngdeyùnyíngzhǎn

As a manager, he is responsible for the operation and development of the company.

4. yuánwàizàigōngzhōngbànyǎnzhuózhòngyàodejuéduìgōngdezhǎnzhezhìguānzhòngyàodezuòyòng

The manager plays an important role in the company and is crucial for its development.

5. yuánwàidezhíbāokuòzhìdìnggōngdezhǎnzhànlüèguǎntuánduìdechánggōngzuò

The manager's responsibilities include formulating the company's development strategy and managing the daily work of the team.

6. shìgōngdeyuánwàiyǒuzhefēngdeguǎnjīngyàn

He is the manager of the company, with rich management experience.

7. yuánwàiyàobèiliánghǎodelǐngdǎonéngtuánduìzuòjīngshén

The manager needs to have good leadership skills and teamwork spirit.

8. zuòwéiyuánwàiyàozuòchūduōzhòngyàodejuéyǐngxiǎngzhegōngdezhǎnfāngxiàng

As a manager, he needs to make many important decisions that affect the company's development direction.

9. yuánwàibèiliánghǎodegōutōngnéngnénggòuyǒuxiàoyuángōngzuòhuǒbàngōutōng

The manager must have good communication skills and be able to communicate effectively with employees and partners.

10. shìgōngdeyuánwàizhìdìnggōngdezhǎnhuàguǎntuánduìdegōngzuò

He is the manager of the company, responsible for formulating the company's development plan and managing the team's work.

11. yuánwàiyàobèiyōuxiùdezhīnéngxiédiàonéngquèbǎogōngdexiànggōngzuòshùnjìnxíng

The manager needs to have excellent organizational and coordination skills to ensure the smooth progress of the company's work.

12. zuòwéiyuánwàiyàoguānzhùgōngdefāngmiànquèbǎogōngdejiànkāngzhǎn

As a manager, he needs to pay attention to all aspects of the company to ensure its healthy development.

13. yuánwàiyàobèijiàoqiángdefēnnéngjiějuéwèndenéngjiějuégōngzhǎnzhōngdezhǒngtiǎozhàn

The manager needs to have strong analytical and problem-solving skills to address various challenges in the company's development.

14. shìzhèjiāgōngdeyuánwàiduìgōngdeyùnyíngyǒuzhefēngdejīngyàn

He is the manager of this company, with rich experience in business operations.

15. yuánwàiyàobèiliánghǎodejuénéngyìngbiànnéngyìngduìtóngdeguǎnqíngkuàng

The manager needs to have good decision-making and adaptability to deal with different management situations.

16. zuòwéiyuánwàiyàoyuángōngzuòhuǒbànjiànliánghǎodeguānjìngōngdezhǎn

As a manager, he needs to build good relationships with employees and partners to promote the company's development.

17. yuánwàiyàobèiliánghǎodeshíjiānguǎnnéngyìngduìnéngyǒuxiàochǔgōngdexiànggōngzuò

The manager needs to have good time management and stress management skills to effectively handle the company's work.

18. shìgōngdeyuánwàijiāngōngdechángyùnyíngguǎntuánduìdegōngzuò

He is the manager of the company, responsible for supervising the daily operation of the company and managing the team's work.

19. yuánwàiyàobèiliánghǎodepànduànzhíxíngbǎozhènggōngdezhǎnfāngxiàngbiāoshíxiàn

The manager needs to have good judgment and execution to ensure the company's development direction and goals are achieved.

20. zuòwéiyuánwàiyàoduànxuéshēngshìyìnggōngzhǎndeqiú

As a manager, he needs to constantly learn and improve himself to meet the needs of the company's development.


上一个 dào,rèn(到任) 句子列表 下一个 xié,qì(邪气)



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