1. 他的性格刚烈,不容易妥协。
His character is strong-willed and not easy to compromise.
2. 她的刚烈个性让她在困难时期显得更加坚强。
Her strong-willed personality makes her appear even stronger in difficult times.
3. 这位领袖的刚烈形象赢得了人们的尊重。
The leader's resolute image has earned him people's respect.
4. 他的刚烈态度使得他在工作中非常有影响力。
His resolute attitude makes him very influential in his work.
5. 她的刚烈举止让人们感到钦佩。
Her resolute behavior is admirable to people.
6. 他对待工作的刚烈态度让他成为了团队的领袖。
His resolute attitude towards work has made him a leader in the team.
7. 她的刚烈性格让她在挑战中保持了坚强。
Her strong-willed character has kept her strong in the face of challenges.
8. 他的刚烈决心使他成功克服了许多困难。
His resolute determination has helped him overcome many difficulties.
9. 她的刚烈表现让人们对她刮目相看。
Her resolute performance has made people take notice of her.
10. 他的刚烈态度让他在困境中不屈不挠。
His resolute attitude has kept him undaunted in adversity.
11. 他的刚烈性格让他在竞争中脱颖而出。
His strong-willed character has made him stand out in competition.
12. 她的刚烈举止让她成为了众人的榜样。
Her resolute behavior has made her a role model for others.
13. 他的刚烈决心让他成功实现了自己的目标。
His resolute determination has helped him achieve his goals.
14. 她的刚烈态度让她在困难中展现出了坚强的一面。
Her resolute attitude has shown her strength in adversity.
15. 他的刚烈表现赢得了他同事们的尊重。
His resolute performance has earned him the respect of his colleagues.
16. 她的刚烈决心让她克服了生活中的挑战。
Her resolute determination has helped her overcome the challenges in life.
17. 他的刚烈性格使他在困难时期显得更加坚强。
His strong-willed character makes him appear even stronger in difficult times.
18. 她的刚烈举止让她在工作中脱颖而出。
Her resolute behavior has made her stand out in her work.
19. 他的刚烈态度让他在团队中赢得了尊重。
His resolute attitude has earned him respect in the team.
20. 她的刚烈决心使她克服了一切困难。
Her resolute determination has helped her overcome all difficulties.
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