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1. tàijiāoleliándiǎndiǎncuòzhédōushòuliǎo

She is too delicate to bear even a little setback.

2. diǎnxiǎoshìjiùzhēnshìtàijiāole

He gets angry over trivial matters, he is really too delicate.

3. zhèréntàijiāoshénmeshìqíngdōuyàorénzhào

She is too delicate, always needs someone to take care of everything.

4. shìjiāoderénduìrènshùnxīndeshìqíngdōurěnshòu

He is a delicate person, cannot tolerate anything that doesn't go his way.

5. xiǎoshíhòujiùshìjiāodexiǎoniángxiànzàiháishìyàng

She was a delicate little girl when she was young, and she is still the same now.

6. zǒngshìbiǎoxiànhěnjiāoràngrényǒuxiēshòuliǎo

He always behaves very delicately, which is a bit unbearable.

7. dejiāo使shǐdeshìyìngzhèyándehuánjìng

Her delicacy makes it difficult for her to adapt to this harsh environment.

8. zàijiābèichǒnghuàilesuǒbiànhěnjiāo

He was spoiled at home, so he became very delicate.

9. dejiāorànghěnnánshìyìngnóngcūndejiānshēnghuó

Her delicacy makes it difficult for her to adapt to the hard life in the countryside.

10. dejiāoràngrěnshòuzhèzhǒngcāodegōngzuò

His delicacy makes it difficult for him to bear this kind of rough work.

11. jiāodexìngràngrénjuédehěnnánxiāngchǔ

Her delicate personality makes people feel that she is difficult to get along with.

12. dejiāo使shǐderěnshòuzhèzhǒngèlièdetiān

His delicacy makes it difficult for him to bear this kind of bad weather.

13. zǒngshìbiǎoxiànhěnjiāohuānzuòrènzhòngdegōngzuò

She always behaves very delicately, doesn't like to do any heavy work.

14. dejiāorànghěnnánshìyìngzhèzhǒngjiāndexùnliàn

His delicacy makes it difficult for him to adapt to this kind of tough training.

15. dejiāoràngshìyìngzhèzhǒngjiǎnlòudeshēnghuótiáojiàn

Her delicacy makes it difficult for her to adapt to this kind of poor living conditions.

16. dejiāoràngrěnshòuzhèzhǒngyándeguǎn

His delicacy makes it difficult for him to bear this kind of strict management.

17. dejiāoràngrěnshòuzhèzhǒngcándeduìdài

Her delicacy makes it difficult for her to bear this kind of cruel treatment.

18. dejiāoràngshìyìngzhèzhǒngèlièdehuánjìng

His delicacy makes it difficult for him to adapt to this kind of harsh environment.

19. zǒngshìbiǎoxiànhěnjiāohuānzuòrènfánzhòngdegōngzuò

She always behaves very delicately, doesn't like to do any heavy work.

20. dejiāorànghěnnánshìyìngzhèzhǒngdeyāoqiú

His delicacy makes it difficult for him to adapt to this kind of demanding requirements.


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