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1. menbānkànlechūjīng

We went to the theater to watch a Peking opera.

2. zhèbāndeyǎnyuándōuhěnyǒushí

The actors in this theater troupe are very talented.

3. menqǐnglebānláibiǎoyǎnjié

We hired a theater troupe to perform at the event.

4. xiǎoshíhòujīngchángbānkàn

I used to go to the theater to watch plays when I was a child.

5. bāndeyǎnchūyǐnlehěnduōguānzhòng

The theater troupe's performance attracted a lot of audience.

6. menzhèngzàipáiliànxīnbāndejié

We are rehearsing the new theater troupe's program.

7. zhèbāndeyǎnyuándōuhěnyǒuqíng

The actors in this theater troupe are very passionate.

8. hěnhuānzhèbāndebiǎoyǎnfēng

I really like the performance style of this theater troupe.

9. mengěibānmǎilehěnduōménpiào

We bought a lot of tickets for the theater troupe.

10. míngtiānwǎnshàngmenbānkàn

Tomorrow night, we are going to the theater to watch a play.

11. TThe theater troupe's performance received rave reviews from the critics.

12. 我们请了一支知名的戏班来表演。

12. We invited a well-known theater troupe to perform.

13. 戏班的演员们都非常有才华。

13. The actors in the theater troupe are all very talented.

14. 我们一起去戏班观看了一出话剧。

14. We went to the theater together to watch a play.

15. 我们买了一些戏班的演出DVD。

15. We bought some DVDs of the theater troupe's performances.

16. 我们正在为戏班的下一部戏剧做准备。

16. We are preparing for the theater troupe's next play.

17. 这个戏班的演员们都非常专业。

17. The actors in this theater troupe are very professional.

18. 我们很期待明天晚上的戏班演出。

18. We are looking forward to the theater troupe's performance tomorrow night.

19. 我们的学校组织了一次戏班的观赏活动。

19. Our school organized a theater troupe viewing activity.

20. 我们为戏班的演出鼓掌欢迎。

20. We applauded and welcomed the theater troupe's performance.


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