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1. shìwèichǎnzhèngzàiděngdàijiēshēng

She is a pregnant woman, waiting to give birth.

2. chǎnyàodàoliánghǎodechǎnhòu

Mothers in childbirth need good postpartum care.

3. zhèyuànshèyǒuzhuānméndechǎnchǎnfáng

The hospital has dedicated maternity wards for childbirth.

4. chǎnjīngleshùnchǎn

The mother went through a natural childbirth.

5. shēngduìchǎnjìnxínglequánmiàndejiǎnchá

The doctor conducted a comprehensive examination of the mother in childbirth.

6. chǎnyàoxiūyíngyǎng

Mothers in childbirth need rest and nutrition.

7. menyàowèichǎngōngshìdàngdezhīchí

We need to provide appropriate support for mothers in childbirth.

8. chǎnmenxuǎnránfēnmiǎnhuòzhěpōuchǎn

Mothers in childbirth can choose between natural childbirth or cesarean section.

9. chǎnzàichǎnhòuyàoxiūyǎngkāng

Mothers in childbirth need rest and recovery after childbirth.

10. chǎnzàifēnmiǎnshíyàozhuānderényuándezhào

Mothers in childbirth need the care of professional medical staff during childbirth.

11. chǎndejiāréndōuzàiděngdàixīnshēngérdedàolái

The family of the mother in childbirth is waiting for the arrival of the newborn.

12. chǎnyàobǎochíqíngwěndìng

Mothers in childbirth need to maintain emotional stability.

13. yuànshèyǒuzhuānméndechǎnchǎnqiánchéng

The hospital offers specialized prenatal classes for mothers in childbirth.

14. chǎnyàodàochǎnshēngdezhuānzhǐdǎo

Mothers in childbirth need professional guidance from obstetricians.

15. chǎnbèisòngwǎngchǎnfángjìnxíngfēnmiǎn

The mother in childbirth was taken to the delivery room to give birth.

16. chǎndezhàngpéibànzàishēnbiān

The husband of the mother in childbirth is by her side.

17. chǎnyàodàoshìdàngdeténgtònghuǎnjiě

Mothers in childbirth need appropriate pain relief.

18. chǎnzàifēnmiǎnhòuyàodàochǎnhòuzhǐdǎo

Mothers in childbirth need postpartum care guidance after childbirth.

19. chǎnzàifēnmiǎnshíyàobǎochífàngsōngzhuānzhù

Mothers in childbirth need to stay relaxed and focused during childbirth.

20. chǎnzàifēnmiǎnhòuyàodàojiātíngzhīchíguānài

Mothers in childbirth need support and care from their families after childbirth.


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