首页 汉字



1. zēngzàixiǎoshíhòugěijiǎngleduōyǒudeshì

My great-grandfather used to tell me a lot of interesting stories when I was a child.

2. zēngshìwèifēichángyǒnggǎndezhànshìwèiguójiāzuòchūledegòngxiàn

My great-grandfather was a very brave soldier who made a huge contribution to the country.

3. zēngliúxiàleběnjīngměidejiālemenjiādeshǐ

My great-grandfather left behind a beautiful family tree that documented the history of our family.

4. zēngdezhìhuìyǒngzhíshìmenjiādejiāoào

The wisdom and courage of my great-grandfather have always been a source of pride for our family.

5. zēngdeshēnghuójīngduìchǎnshēngleshēnyuǎndeyǐngxiǎng

The life experiences of my great-grandfather have had a profound impact on me.

6. huìyǒngyuǎn怀huáiniànzēngduìdeguānàijiàodǎo

I will always cherish the love and guidance of my great-grandfather.

7. zēngdeshēngshìchōngmǎnchuándeshì

The life of my great-grandfather is a story full of legend.

8. zēngdejiānrènzheduànqiánxíng

The resilience and perseverance of my great-grandfather inspire me to keep moving forward.

9. zēngdeshìràngmíngbáileduōguānjiāchuántǒngjiàzhíguāndezhòngyàoxìng

The story of my great-grandfather has taught me a lot about the importance of family traditions and values.

10. zēngdejiāndìngxìnniànguāntàizhíshìxuédebǎngyàng

The strong belief and optimistic attitude of my great-grandfather have always been a role model for me.

11. zēngdeshēngshìchōngmǎntiǎozhànfèndòudeshì

The life of my great-grandfather is a story full of challenges and struggles.

12. zēngdeyǒnggǎnjuéxīnràngshēnshòu

The bravery and determination of my great-grandfather inspire me deeply.

13. zēngdezhìhuìshànliánggěilehěnduō

The wisdom and kindness of my great-grandfather have given me a lot of inspiration.

14. zēngdechuánshìzhízheduànzhuīqiúmèngxiǎng

The legendary story of my great-grandfather has always inspired me to pursue my dreams.

15. zēngdeshēngshìchōngmǎnfèndòuwàngdeshì

The life of my great-grandfather is a story full of struggle and hope.

16. zēngdeshēngpíngjiàohuìlejiānchífèndòu

The life of my great-grandfather has taught me how to persevere and fight.

17. zēngdeshìràngshídàolejiādezhòngyàoxìngjiàzhí

The story of my great-grandfather has made me realize the importance and value of family.

18. zēngdeyǒngjuéxīnzhízheduànxiàngqián

The courage and determination of my great-grandfather have always inspired me to keep moving forward.

19. zēngdeshìshìmenjiābǎoguìdecái

The story of my great-grandfather is a precious treasure for our family.

20. zēngdexùnjiāngyǒngyuǎnmíngzàidexīnzhōng

The teachings of my great-grandfather will always be remembered in my heart.


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