1. 我们的祖辈为了生计不得不离乡。
Our ancestors had to leave their hometown for a living.
2. 离乡背井,是每个农民工的命运。
Leaving hometown and leaving the well, is the fate of every migrant worker.
3. 他因为工作原因不得不离乡。
He had to leave his hometown because of work.
4. 离乡背井的人常常会怀念家乡的风土人情。
People who leave their hometown often miss the local customs and practices.
5. 离乡的年轻人都怀着对未来的憧憬。
Young people who leave their hometown are full of hope for the future.
6. 在外打拼的人常常会思念自己的家乡。
People who work outside often miss their hometown.
7. 离乡是为了更好的生活。
Leaving hometown is for a better life.
8. 离乡背井的人需要适应新的生活环境。
People who leave their hometown need to adapt to a new living environment.
9. 离乡并不是件容易的事情。
Leaving hometown is not an easy thing.
10. 离乡背井的人常常会面临着各种困难。
People who leave their hometown often face various difficulties.
11. 离乡的人要学会独立生活。
People who leave their hometown need to learn to live independently.
12. 离乡的人需要面对许多陌生的事物。
People who leave their hometown need to face many unfamiliar things.
13. 离乡是为了更广阔的发展空间。
Leaving hometown is for a broader development space.
14. 离乡的人要适应不同的生活方式。
People who leave their hometown need to adapt to different ways of life.
15. 离乡的人要学会适应新的社会环境。
People who leave their hometown need to learn to adapt to the new social environment.
16. 离乡的人常常会怀念家乡的美好时光。
People who leave their hometown often miss the good times in their hometown.
17. 离乡的人要面对孤独和挑战。
People who leave their hometown have to face loneliness and challenges.
18. 离乡的人需要坚强的意志和毅力。
People who leave their hometown need strong willpower and perseverance.
19. 离乡的人要学会独立思考和解决问题。
People who leave their hometown need to learn to think independently and solve problems.
20. 离乡是为了更好的人生发展。
Leaving hometown is for a better personal development.
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