1. 这片土地因为长期的风雨侵蚀变得贫瘠。
The land has become barren due to long-term erosion by wind and rain.
2. 河岸被水流侵蚀得越来越严重。
The river bank is being eroded more and more by the water flow.
3. 这座城市的历史建筑正在被空气污染侵蚀。
The historical buildings in this city are being eroded by air pollution.
4. 海岸线的侵蚀速度越来越快。
The erosion of the coastline is accelerating.
5. 冰川的侵蚀力量是巨大的。
The erosion power of glaciers is immense.
6. 这些岩石经历了数百年的风雨侵蚀。
These rocks have undergone centuries of erosion by wind and rain.
7. 沙漠中的沙丘被风侵蚀得日渐平坦。
The sand dunes in the desert are being eroded flatter by the wind.
8. 沿海地区的土地因为海水侵蚀而不再适合耕种。
The land in coastal areas is no longer suitable for cultivation due to seawater erosion.
9. 森林被人类砍伐,导致土壤侵蚀问题日益严重。
Deforestation has led to increasingly severe soil erosion.
10. 这座古老的城墙已经被雨水侵蚀得破破烂烂。
The ancient city wall has been eroded into a dilapidated state by rainwater.
11. 河床的侵蚀导致了河岸的坍塌。
The erosion of the riverbed has led to the collapse of the river bank.
12. 火山喷发导致了周围地区的土地侵蚀。
The volcanic eruption caused the erosion of the surrounding land.
13. 岩石上的雨水侵蚀形成了壮观的峡谷。
The rainwater erosion on the rocks formed spectacular canyons.
14. 洪水对河岸的侵蚀造成了严重的损害。
The erosion of the river bank caused serious damage by the flood.
15. 老年人的记忆力逐渐被时间侵蚀。
The memory of the elderly is gradually eroded by time.
16. 煤矿开采导致了地下水位下降和土地侵蚀。
Coal mining has led to a drop in the water table and land erosion.
17. 珊瑚礁因为海洋污染而受到了严重的侵蚀。
Coral reefs have suffered severe erosion due to marine pollution.
18. 城市的历史文化遗址正在被人为破坏和侵蚀。
The historical and cultural sites of the city are being destroyed and eroded by human activities.
19. 大坝的建设导致了河流两岸的土地侵蚀。
The construction of the dam has caused erosion of the land on both sides of the river.
20. 这片土地因为水土流失而受到了严重的侵蚀。
The land has suffered severe erosion due to soil erosion.
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