1. 他们生活在困苦的环境中,每天都在为生计而劳累。
They live in a poor environment and work hard every day to make a living.
2. 他们的家庭处境困苦,无法支付医疗费用。
Their family is in dire straits and cannot afford medical expenses.
3. 在这个困苦的村庄里,人们互相帮助,共同度过难关。
In this impoverished village, people help each other and get through hard times together.
4. 她从小生活在困苦中,但依然努力学习,最终考上了大学。
She grew up in poverty, but still studied hard and eventually got into college.
5. 这个国家的困苦人民急需国际援助。
The impoverished people of this country are in urgent need of international aid.
6. 他们在困苦中挣扎,却始终保持着乐观的态度。
They struggle in poverty, but always maintain an optimistic attitude.
7. 这个地区的居民生活在极度的困苦之中。
The residents of this area live in extreme poverty.
8. 困苦并没有让他们失去对生活的希望。
Poverty did not make them lose hope for life.
9. 在这个困苦的地方,很多孩子没有机会接受良好的教育。
In this impoverished place, many children do not have the opportunity to receive a good education.
10. 尽管困苦,他们依然努力工作,想要改变自己的命运。
Despite poverty, they still work hard, wanting to change their own destiny.
11. 这个家庭陷入了困苦,无法支付房租和食物。
This family has fallen into poverty and cannot afford rent and food.
12. 困苦并没有阻止他们追求幸福的生活。
Poverty did not stop them from pursuing a happy life.
13. 这个国家的困苦人民需要更多的社会关怀和支持。
The impoverished people of this country need more social care and support.
14. 即使生活在困苦中,他们依然相互帮助,共同渡过难关。
Even living in poverty, they still help each other and get through hard times together.
15. 困苦的生活让他们更加珍惜拥有的一切。
The hardships of life make them cherish everything they have even more.
16. 他们生活在困苦的环境中,但依然保持着乐观的态度。
They live in a poor environment, but still maintain an optimistic attitude.
17. 这个家庭陷入了经济困苦,无法提供孩子所需的教育和医疗。
This family has fallen into financial hardship and cannot provide the education and medical care their children need.
18. 困苦并没有击垮他们,他们依然坚强地面对生活的挑战。
Poverty did not defeat them, they still face the challenges of life with strength.
19. 在这个困苦的地区,很多人都在为基本生活所奋斗。
In this impoverished area, many people are struggling for basic living.
20. 尽管生活在困苦之中,他们依然保持着对未来的希望。
Despite living in poverty, they still maintain hope for the future.
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