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1. zhèzuòchéngbǎoshìdàiguówángdesuǒ

This fortress was the residence of the ancient king.

2. réngōngmendechéngbǎo

The enemy could not breach our fortress.

3. bǎolěinèiyǒuduōshìbīngshǒuwèi

There are many soldiers guarding the fortress.

4. zhèzuòchéngbǎozàizhànzhēngzhōngbèihuǐle

The fortress was destroyed in the war.

5. bǎolěishìzhèzuòchéngshìdebiāozhìxìngjiànzhù

The fortress is the iconic building of this city.

6. zàishǐshàngbǎolěibànyǎnlezhòngyàodefángzuòyòng

Throughout history, fortresses have played an important defensive role.

7. mendejūnduìjīngzhànlǐnglefāngdebǎolěi

Our army has captured the enemy's fortress.

8. zhèyǒuduōlǎodebǎolěizhǐ

There are many ancient fortress ruins in this area.

9. zhèshìzuòjiāndebǎolěiqīnggōng

This is a strong fortress that cannot be easily breached.

10. bǎolěidechéngqiángshàngyǒuduōjiàn

There are many arrow towers on the walls of the fortress.

11. zhèzuòbǎolěishìmendezuìhòudàofáng线xiàn

This fortress is our last line of defense.

12. bǎolěinèiyǒuzuòlǎodechéngbǎo

Inside the fortress is an ancient castle.

13. zhèchéngshìcéngjīngshìzuòzhòngyàodejūnshìbǎolěi

This city was once an important military fortress.

14. bǎolěideshèfēichángfángxìnghěnqiáng

The fortress is designed to be very complex and defensive.

15. zhèzuòbǎolěibèijiànzàozàizuòshāndǐngshàng

The fortress is built on top of a mountain.

16. bǎolěinèiyǒushēnjǐng

There is a deep well inside the fortress.

17. zhèchéngshìdebǎolěishìxiàngshìjièwénhuàchǎn

The fortress of this city is a world cultural heritage site.

18. zhèzuòbǎolěibèixiūbìngduìgōngzhòngkāifàng

The fortress has been restored and is open to the public.

19. bǎolěidechéngqiángshàngyǒuduōshǐyōujiǔdepàotái

There are many historic cannons on the walls of the fortress.

20. zhèbǎolěicéngjīngshìzhòngyàodemàozhōngxīn

This fortress was once an important trading center.


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