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1. menshēnqièdàoniànshìdeqīnrén

We mourn deeply for the departed loved ones.

2. jīntiānmenzàidàoniànxiēshīdeshēngmìng

Today we gather together to mourn the lives lost.

3. dàoniànshìzhǒngbiǎoduìshìzhědejìngāidefāngshì

Mourning is a way of showing respect and sorrow for the deceased.

4. menjiāngyǒngyuǎndàoniànxiēwèiyóuérshēngderénmen

We will always mourn those who sacrificed for freedom.

5. zàizhèbēishāngdeshímentuánjiézàidàoniànmenshīdetóngshì

At this sad moment, we come together to mourn our lost colleague.

6. menxínglechǎngdàoniànshìniànxiēzàizhànzhēngzhōngshēngshìbīng

They held a memorial service to mourn the soldiers who died in the war.

7. menjiāngyǒngyuǎndàoniànwèiwěidelǐngxiù

We will forever mourn the great leader.

8. dàoniànbìngwèizhewàngérshìwèizheyǒngyuǎn怀huáiniàn

Mourning doesn't mean forgetting, it means remembering forever.

9. deshìràngmenshēngǎnbēitòngmenjiāngyǒngyuǎndàoniàn

His passing has left us deeply saddened, and we will mourn him forever.

10. menjiāngzàizhèbiédezidàoniànxiēnànzhě

We will mourn the victims on this special day.

11. mendàoniànlezhěngzhěngniányīnwèishīdetòngwàng怀huái

They mourned for a whole year, as the pain of loss was unforgettable.

12. menjiāngzàizhèzuòchéngshìdezhōngxīn广guǎngchǎngxíngchǎngdàoniànhuódòng

We will hold a memorial event in the city's central square.

13. dàoniànshìzhǒngbiǎoduìshìzhěāidefāngshì

Mourning is a way of expressing sorrow for the deceased.

14. menjiāngzàimíngtiāndedàoniànshìshàngxiàngshìzhězhìjìng

We will pay tribute to the departed at tomorrow's memorial service.

15. dàoniànhuódòngjiāngzàixiàzhōuliùxíng

The memorial event will be held next Saturday.

16. menjiāngzàizhèzuòchéngshìdegōngyuánzhíshùdàoniànxiēshìdeshēngmìng

We will plant trees in the city park to commemorate the lives lost.

17. dàoniànyīnggāishìchǎngdāndechéngmenyīnggāixiāngzhīchí

Mourning should not be a lonely journey, we should support each other.

18. zàizhèshūdezimendàoniànxiēzàizāinànzhōngshīdeshēngmìng

On this special day, we mourn the lives lost in the disaster.

19. dàoniànshìshàngrénmenfēnfēnbiǎoduìshìzhědeāi怀huáiniànzhīqíng

At the memorial service, people expressed their sorrow and remembrance for the deceased.

20. dàoniànshìzhǒngràngmenmiǎn怀huáishìzhěbìngxúnqiúānwèideguòchéng

Mourning is a process that allows us to remember the deceased and seek comfort.


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