1. 他的性格很浮躁,容易冲动。
His temperament is very impetuous and easily impulsive.
2. 最近总感觉浮躁不安,需要静下心来调整一下。
Lately I've been feeling restless and agitated, I need to calm down and adjust.
3. 城市的生活节奏太快,让人变得浮躁不安。
The fast pace of city life makes people restless and agitated.
4. 他总是浮躁不安,很难安静下来专心做事。
He's always restless and agitated, it's hard for him to focus and concentrate.
5. 她的浮躁让她无法静下心来享受生活。
Her restlessness prevents her from enjoying life.
6. 在这个喧嚣的城市里,很容易让人变得浮躁。
In this bustling city, it's easy for people to become restless.
7. 他的性格浮躁不安,需要学会冷静下来。
His restless temperament needs to learn to calm down.
8. 这个时代的人们都变得越来越浮躁了。
People in this era are becoming more and more restless.
9. 浮躁的心态会影响工作效率。
A restless mindset can affect work efficiency.
10. 长时间的浮躁会影响身心健康。
Long-term restlessness can affect physical and mental health.
11. 他的浮躁使得他无法专心读书。
His restlessness makes it difficult for him to concentrate on studying.
12. 需要找到一种方法来平复内心的浮躁。
Need to find a way to calm the inner restlessness.
13. 浮躁的情绪会影响人的决策能力。
Restless emotions can affect a person's decision-making ability.
14. 她的浮躁让她无法好好休息。
Her restlessness prevents her from getting proper rest.
15. 这个社会的浮躁氛围让人感到压力很大。
The restless atmosphere of this society is very stressful.
16. 每个人都有自己的浮躁时刻,需要学会调整。
Everyone has their restless moments and needs to learn to adjust.
17. 他的浮躁使得他无法享受当下的美好。
His restlessness prevents him from enjoying the beauty of the present.
18. 浮躁的心态会让人变得焦虑不安。
A restless mindset can make people anxious and unsettled.
19. 老板的浮躁影响了整个团队的工作氛围。
The boss's restlessness affects the working atmosphere of the entire team.
20. 他的浮躁让他无法保持冷静应对问题。
His restlessness prevents him from staying calm in the face of problems.
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