1. 这是一篇书面报告,详细介绍了我们的研究成果。
This is a written report that details our research findings.
2. 请你书面确认你的参与意愿。
Please confirm your willingness to participate in writing.
3. 书面材料需要在下周之前提交。
The written materials need to be submitted by next week.
4. 我们需要一份书面协议来确认双方的权利和责任。
We need a written agreement to confirm the rights and responsibilities of both parties.
5. 这是一份书面警告,提醒你不要再犯同样的错误。
This is a written warning reminding you not to repeat the same mistake.
6. 书面语言要清晰简练。
Written language should be clear and concise.
7. 我们需要书面证据来支持你的主张。
We need written evidence to support your claim.
8. 书面沟通比口头沟通更具有约束力。
Written communication is more binding than verbal communication.
9. 书面文件需要加盖公章。
The written document needs to be stamped with the official seal.
10. 请你书面回复这封邀请函。
Please respond to this invitation in writing.
11. 书面协议已经生效。
The written agreement has taken effect.
12. 他们要求书面道歉。
They requested a written apology.
13. 书面材料需要经过审查才能发布。
The written materials need to be reviewed before they can be published.
14. 我们需要一份书面报价单。
We need a written quotation.
15. 书面文件必须由公司代表签字。
The written document must be signed by a company representative.
16. 请你书面确认你的收到。
Please confirm receipt of this in writing.
17. 我们的协议需要书面修改。
Our agreement needs to be modified in writing.
18. 书面沟通有时比口头沟通更容易被理解。
Written communication is sometimes easier to understand than verbal communication.
19. 书面文件已被归档。
The written document has been archived.
20. 请你书面提交你的建议。
Please submit your suggestions in writing.
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