1. 他偷偷地溜进了房间。
He sneaked into the room stealthily.
2. 她偷偷地吃了一块巧克力。
She secretly ate a piece of chocolate.
3. 孩子们偷偷地玩着捉迷藏。
The children played hide and seek sneakily.
4. 我偷偷地打开了门,不想惊动任何人。
I quietly opened the door, not wanting to disturb anyone.
5. 他偷偷地看了一眼手机上的短信。
He sneakily glanced at the text message on his phone.
6. 她偷偷地把钱包藏在了抽屉里。
She secretly hid the wallet in the drawer.
7. 我们偷偷地溜出了家门,去参加派对。
We sneaked out of the house to attend the party.
8. 他偷偷地把书从书架上拿了下来。
He stealthily took the book off the shelf.
9. 她偷偷地把一张小纸条塞进了他的口袋。
She secretly slipped a small note into his pocket.
10. 他偷偷地偷看了她的日记。
He sneakily peeked at her diary.
11. 学生们偷偷地交换了答案。
The students secretly exchanged answers.
12. 她偷偷地喝了一口果汁。
She took a sip of juice sneakily.
13. 他偷偷地把狗食藏在了裤子口袋里。
He secretly hid the dog treats in his pants pocket.
14. 我们偷偷地计划了一个惊喜派对。
We sneakily planned a surprise party.
15. 他们偷偷地溜进了电影院,不想买票。
They sneaked into the cinema without buying tickets.
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