1. 我们将不日公布这一决定。
We will announce this decision in the near future.
2. 不日即将有好消息传来。
Good news will come soon.
3. 不日将有新产品上市。
New products will be launched in the near future.
4. 不日将有重要通知发布。
Important notices will be released soon.
5. 不日我们将见面。
We will meet in the near future.
6. 不日我们将前往那个地方。
We will go to that place in the near future.
7. 不日将有大事发生。
Something big will happen soon.
8. 不日将有好转的迹象。
There will be signs of improvement soon.
9. 不日将有好天气。
There will be good weather soon.
10. 不日将有好消息传出。
Good news will be spread soon.
11. 不日将有重大进展。
There will be significant progress soon.
12. 不日将有好运降临。
Good luck will come soon.
13. 我们将不日出发。
We will depart in the near future.
14. 不日将有好事发生。
Something good will happen soon.
15. 不日将有好转的迹象。
There will be signs of improvement soon.
16. 不日将有好消息传来。
Good news will come soon.
17. 我们将不日见面。
We will meet in the near future.
18. 不日将有新产品上市。
New products will be launched in the near future.
19. 不日将有重要通知发布。
Important notices will be released soon.
20. 不日将有大事发生。
Something big will happen soon.
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