1. 这座大桥是我们城市的地标。
This bridge is a landmark in our city.
2. 大桥上的风景非常壮观。
The view from the bridge is spectacular.
3. 我们需要修建一座大桥来连接两岸。
We need to build a bridge to connect the two shores.
4. 大桥上的交通非常拥堵。
The traffic on the bridge is very congested.
5. 大桥上有很多游客在拍照。
There are many tourists taking photos on the bridge.
6. 这座大桥是由著名的建筑师设计的。
This bridge was designed by a famous architect.
7. 大桥的建设给当地经济带来了很大的影响。
The construction of the bridge has had a significant impact on the local economy.
8. 大桥的主体结构已经完工。
The main structure of the bridge has been completed.
9. 大桥是用钢筋混凝土建造的。
The bridge is constructed with reinforced concrete.
10. 大桥的跨度达到了100
The span of the bridge reaches 1000 meters.
11. 大桥的修复工程将于明年开始。
The renovation of the bridge will begin next year.
12. 大桥上有很多艺术装饰。
There are many artistic decorations on the bridge.
13. 大桥的通行费将在下个月上涨。
The toll for the bridge will increase next month.
14. 大桥是我们市的交通要道。
The bridge is a key transportation artery in our city.
15. 大桥上有很多观景台供游客观赏风景。
There are many observation decks on the bridge for tourists to enjoy the view.
16. 大桥的设计融合了现代与传统的元素。
The design of the bridge incorporates both modern and traditional elements.
17. 大桥的建设使得两岸的交通更加便利。
The construction of the bridge has made transportation between the two shores more convenient.
18. 大桥的落成标志着城市的发展进入了新阶段。
The completion of the bridge marks a new stage of development for the city.
19. 大桥的开放给当地居民带来了更多的商机。
The opening of the bridge has brought more business opportunities to local residents.
20. 大桥是我们城市的骄傲。
The bridge is the pride of our city.
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