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1. menyàozhègāndechén。We need to break the awkward silence.

2. 他试图打破世界纪录。He attempted to break the world record.

2. zhōngleduìdechén。She finally broke her silence about him.

4. 我们必须打破这个恶性循环。We need to break this vicious cycle.

3. menshìmenzhījiāndechén。They tried to break the silence between them.

6. 她打破了她的坏习惯。She broke her bad habit.

4. ledechéngnuò。He broke his promise.

8. 我希望我能够打破这个僵局。I hope I can break this deadlock.

5. menleguī。They broke the rules.

10. 她打破了她的记录。She broke her record.

6. menyàozhèchénguījiù。We need to break this tradition.

12. 他试图打破她的冷漠。He tried to break her indifference.

7. ledechénbìngshēngshuōchūlezhēnxiàng。She broke her silence and spoke the truth loudly.

14. 他们打破了他们之间的隔阂。They broke the barrier between them.

8. menyàozhèkùnjìng。We need to break this dilemma.

16. 他们打破了所有的记录。They broke all the records.

9. ledekǒngbìngyǒnggǎnmiànduìletiǎozhàn。She broke her fear and bravely faced the challenge.

18. 他们试图打破这个谣言。They tried to break this rumor.

10. menyàozhèjiě。We need to break this misunderstanding.

20. 他们打破了他们之间的沉默并开始交流。They broke the silence between them and started to communicate.


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